Saturday, December 02, 2006

Dribbling from a mad man

hey hey uh uh...

Word that describes my current sense of direction. (okok, i am asian afterall.. ?!)

Already gone.


Forcast reader.

Equals flies and sweat... also unpleasent surprises.. =.=

One too many things.




Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thought of the day...

"Just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing"... Such a simple phrase, yet overlooked by most.

I sometimes wonder how one can live life to its fullest and yet be pessimistic and cynical.. maybe the simple answer is, they can't. 'Why is that' you may ask, its simple, once their mind gets bogged down by all the negativity they see, they simply cannot gather the positive in people and things.. eventually, cynicism kicks in and the rest is history. If the standard of happiness is set to such high standards, its very difficult to live life to its fullest and be happy every day.

I'll finish this short entry with one question.. Do you love life? Not a simple 'I like to be alive', but grateful to be alive. Why? Because only then, you can really appreciate everything and everyone that is around you.

Monday, October 23, 2006

muuuun cake festival!

The mid-autumn festival has come and gone.. to the untrained minds, its simply a festival that doesn't hold much meaning.

Whilst the unknowingly go by their daily chores, the chinese community was busy stocking up moon cakes, exchanging and driving up prices similar to the .com stares.

This year.. somehow.. I was landed the task of acquiring moon cakes for work mates... As most of them are white... I figured....
1) most of them have no idea what day the festival is
2) prices of the moon cakes drops after the moon festival day ho ho ho..
So it was logical to buy it after the festival day, HEHE..... my wallet will be happy and work mates will be stone hit 2 birds indeed! [moon cakes:0, me:1]

On Friday arvo... I went by the local chinese supermarket... checked out the moon cakes... making a list of those that I would be getting the day after (and secretly laughing at those who payed the inflated prices.. [insert evil laugh].... well actually, i got a box myself a week prior.. ;p BUT ANYWAY!).....

Interestingly, during my short stay at the supermarket, I've witness heavy price slashing of moon cakes... almost like a share market crash! But I resisted.. as the next day will be rock bottom prices... kekeke... well, theoretically anyway.

So Saturday rolls by, and I confidently walk in to get some tight-arse priced moon cakes... only to find the tables where mountains of moon cake once stood... is now an empty space..! WTF! My plan has failed?!?! Panicky.. I went around other supermarkets hoping they will have a few left..... but no, they're gone! All gone! WHAT?! Now I understand why there was heavy slashes of prices on the day of the festival... They get rid of the stock on the day! (moon cakes:1, me:1)

Out of sheer desperation, I remembered something! There is one last chinese supermarket I haven't checked yet.... its located at the outskirts from the main shopping area... my last hope!

After my battle with traffic, I finally arrived......made my way in (elbowed anyone who got in my way, outtah mah way!!! It was an emergency situation)... nervously looked aorund..saw A DESK near the front counter! that's good! That means something is on display!.. Upon further inspection, tin boxes! .. (looking good!)........ took a few more steps toward the desk..... MOON CAKE!!!!!!!!!! SCORE! [moon cakes:1, me:2]

Then it occurred to me that people avoided that desk whilst walking into the shop..... why?! Oh wait.. Tight ass price... for tight ass people.. DOH!... Problem number 2.... How to get a box without appearing to be tight ass.... but seriously, this is for my white work mates! They ain for me!... >.< ... [moon cakes:2, me:2]

The break through finally came when an old lady walked toward the dusty display .... I tailgated her to the desk and used my height advantage to check out the boxes whilst looking like an innocent bystander....

First box....WHAT, 4 egg yolk still cost 40 odd dollars .. (big NO sign popped into my head)?!?!?! Quick look left n right.. some other pricy ones (bah!)..... ah, some unknown brand for 15$ .. SCORE!...But Wait! Dilemma! To get a nice tasty one.. or just a cheap cheap one. hmmm!!!... After some careful consideration (basically.. they're white.. they won't be able to tell the difference, HEHEHE)..... I bought a box and quickly fled the scene... [moon cakes:2, me:3]

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Quick zap back to a year ago..

After twiddling with my thumbs for a while, something suddenly hit me......2005 had a lot of memorable firsts for me!!!! So before I forget.. here's some of them...

First time getting mates together to form a team and played in a bball comp for a few seasons... first time playing in a soccer team outside of school... first time skiing in Australia.. my first badminton trophy!..... and first badminton comp in Australia (resulted in many which followed =] ).... my first uni graduation!... First time cruise party!......... first french toast! (yes yes, I know. .a bit shocking..)... first boot camp (doh.. I've gained weight since ... >.< )........ first time eating giant pineapple bun...... first full time job..... hmm.. I'm sure there's a lot more.. but can't quite think of anymore for now....

Oh and of course, should mention the memorable 2004 netball comp... also my first.


PS. Feel free to remind me of any which I have missed. =p

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Falls creek

It was only after my 3rd time dozing off on a bouncing seat when it finally hit me... I'm on holiday... but something doesn't feel right, I can't be on holiday.... surely this can't be real?!

I'm quite surprised to recognise that I've fallen victim to the 9-5 weekdaytitas....

The trip to falls creek was very good, partially because it’s the first time I've been there, and partially due to the fact that I need a break. Apart from dozing in n out of consciousness during the road trip, there weren't much else to comment on... except, for the first time, I saw the milkyway.. NOT on a textbook or some internet webpage... but the actual thing, right in front of me (well. .several million light years away)..

In the mist of near pitch darkness, there was nothing except for the slight shimmerings of the moon light. The night sky was crystal clear, then there it was, a bandit of white globes loitering together in the spaciousness of the sky....

Next day, we hit the slopes... while I was busy red-line'ing my skis (damnit, they gave me long skis ;( ), others pointed out the view of the lake, at which point I looked up and whoa!!! What an amazing view! (sadly I didn't bring my camera on the first day)... Oh oh, and I went on the magic carpet for the first time in my life, hehehe... and no, I didn't do it alone =p

Day after was interesting.... the mountain was all fogged up, you can't see past a few meters ahead of you.. which made it kinda scary and exciting at the same time... since you can't see how steep it is, you kinda.. just have to handle the sudden pickup of speed as is.. heeh....... Then I did the box! yep, that's right, I jumped the box! :) And yes, I made it through both times, ho ho ho :D

I'll see if I can post up photos somewhere… Anyhow... back to the 9-5......

PS. Safeway sounds weird! =p and dammit... i somehow managed to miss the welcome to nsw/victoria sign twice with my camera >.<

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"SCIENTISTS have vaccinated rats against a weight-gain hormone, allowing them to eat freely without getting fat, in a development that raises hopes for treatments for overweight and obese humans."

OK.. this is ridiculous, this subject has been boiling in my head for a while, and this new take on the fat issue is finally over the top!

First we get the "carb-free" diet... a quick fix solution to starve your body of glucose in which your body eventually chews on it self... yes, even the creator died of some internal organ failure? Look at the Chinese, we've had RICE pretty much all our lives, and in fact, the main proportion of every meal is rice… but are we fat?! Go back to China for a month, then come back, you would notice 2 things...

1) there are shit loads of Chinese there, and lots of whities here....

2) people here are much fatter than ones in china... yet.. apparently.. we've taken on the "carb-free" diet.. HA!

Next, we have low sugar, diet-coke solution.... now if you drink SO MUCH coke that you need to use diet-coke as a substitute.. isn't the problem poking you in the face?! Ok ok.. so they made coke-zero... but do you really think that chemical cocktail is any good for you?! Sure, too much sugar is bad for you, but trying to substitute sugar intake with some sort of sweetener.. is surely not the answer...

So lets see.... we eat more... we sit around more, we travel by car more, walk less...... and yay to the US...non-disabled people are now using motorized carts to replace walking...

Result? Nations are having obesity problems....

To top that off, now SCIENTISTS are going to invent some vaccine to combat weight-gain hormone?! They make it sound like it's a disease that is contracted or passed on from human to human... ok sure, I acknowledge that some people are born with obesity problem, but I can assure you, 99% of the fat people around the world were NOT born with that problem! I mean, dude... you intake more, you need to output more, you take away exercise (output) from the equation, obviously you'll gain KG's...

It angers me that they spend all this money on R&D in something like this instead of researching on some other deadly life threatening disease and advance our knowledge in medicine...

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Up and down..

For the past week or so, it felt like a rollercoaster ride for me.....

Free 4 hour session of badminton :D... Waiter charged me 9.50$ for 100$+ worth of food (woot! but no, i told him he got it wrong... yes i am a good boi)..... Then company blocked youtube (argh! I swear it wasn't coz of me.... although i did finish watching a chinese series on that.. ho ho ho) ... Internet going down @ work.... (2x argh!)....

On the upside, internet @ work came back up (yay!)..... youtube got unblocked!!!! (2x YAY!) ... but.. wtf... msn port got blocked?! (10000x argh!)

Now I just hope what's around the corner ain a free falling pants pooping 100M drop...

Sunday, July 23, 2006

And so it begins...

Argh... it's like a never beep-test... before you fully recover, the machine beeps, and you have to run like a dog to the other side... I wonder what stage I can get to...

A big thank you for those who rocked up to bball and ones who saw me during the break :) Was good to catch up :D

Also, an big apology in advance, as I may disappear in the coming 3 months .. :
Anyhow! During this break, I've reached my goal of almost averaging 10 hours a weekend of sport :) Also doing great in the first round of the badminton comp =] (no we didn't lose, we drew the first match of the round 1 round-robbin series).

Ok, that's it for now, over and out.

PS. I'm still online during working hours =p
Feel free to catch me there =]
See yous on the other side... or is it this side.. hmmm...

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Yes.. the most hated kind of people on the planet.....

First it was introduced in CS... let me explain... blockers are team mates that get in your way, block your bullets when you are firing at the enemy, AND block your way to back off when you see a grenade flying your way... nice one guys!

I didn't mind that TOO much... like hey, shit happens... and it's a game afterall.

But it becomes too much when it happens in real life.... like when the train JUST arrives, but some mofo decides to casually stroll up the stairs IN THE BLOODY MIDDLE of the stairway which only has enough room for 2 people to walk side by side.....

What the hell is wrong with them? Can't they HEAR heavy foot steps coming from behind them?! Seriously, train arrives, you hear heavy breathing and running steps from behind, do you what? Shut off all senses AND block their way?!

Ok, say.. they *somehow* didn't hear all that AND *somehow* didn't sense people behind them is trying to catch the train..... you run up behind them, TRYING to side step them, basically with your body trying to squeeze past them... their reaction? Look at you weird.. and continue to STAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAIRWAY... **AND**.. amazingly... still walk in a slowmo pace....... GTFO.. (GET THE @#$% out..) of my way dude! seriously...

Mind you, they ain old people what so ever, if they're old and gray, fine, I can accept that, but mid-aged fit people?!

And no... they ain in 15 inch heals or anything un-walkable..

Sigh.. what is the world coming to....... one day, i'll just drag them back and fling them down the stairs... do the world a favour... this has happened to me far too many times already...


End of the tunnel...

Nup.. there is no light here.... no light...

Not even the moon light can pierce the dark fog surrounding the exit of the tunnel.. damn the charcoal coughing exhausts....

Someone throw a torch this way plz...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

So time flies yet its slow?!

It's weird when you doze by, and before you know it, it's already the end of the week... Yet, during the week, you feel the pain of seconds ticking by...ever... so.... slowly.........

Life is full of contradictions huh.

I try to keep my desk clean, but I always seem to need all 6 pages of notes facing up, so I can readily access them... and somehow those pages of notes never end up stacked up neatly as 6 piles on my desk....

I try to be on a healthy diet, yet when I order a Caesar salad, I must have tones of those mayo'ish sauce.... (for those who don't know.. the mayo thingo sauce is FAT.. REAL FAT.. high in everything bad for you... colestro, sugar, fat.. bla bla bla)... Then I drink hot chocolate in the morning, eat chocolate bars and M&M.. hahaha.. there goes my... diet... or was I ever on one?! =p

I suppose what matters is whats in your mind.. mind over matter right?!

So in my mind...
Hot chocolate in morning = warm my body up (must be good for body)
Salade = greens = good stuff (bacan inside are just "decorations")
M&M's = energy booster, must intake to keep up the sugar high to keep up the "productivity".

Overall: Healthy, everything has been taken for a good purpose, and is justified.


Monday, June 26, 2006

Light at the end of the tunnel??

Isn't what the norm? Light at the end of the tunnel?!

I was in a category 10 storm for the past 2 months or so, with project releases for work and uni wrapping up, I was forced to stay indoors, cut out from the outside world for practically 2 months...

Exam finally finished last week, so expectation for the calm was high.. except.. little did I know.. shit was hitting the fan whilst I was dealing with one end of the storm....

I should've taken the whole week off rather than going back to work on a Friday.. knowing there's a major release on Monday for work.....

So what happened? Late night on friday.. work on sunday... and late night on monday... but we did end up clearing the deadline by a mere 3 hours.. Woohoo... =.=.... reminds me of CSE online submission of assignments actually.. except I never submit 3 hours before the dead line.. more like.. within seconds of the dead line...

To make things worse, on the same weekend, I "smartly" decided to play a bit of bball.. (a bit... well... that "a bit" turned out to be a 3-4 hour full course session).... the result? Blister on feet.. with skin rubbed off, and every muscle in my body felt shattered.

To top THAT off? Had to go for a shower... forgot about the naked blister... Result? ... My scream echoing around the block....... ah.. priceless...

Then Sunday.. Work day.. DOH, slept in, ran out the door with pants falling off, didn't realise till I was near the bus stop, like holy shit... Jumped on the bus hoping no one saw anything...

Monday night.. .felt full after manager feeding us.. reward for staying late and getting the release on time..... on the way home.. walked into a road work barrier... in full view of a group of diners who just happened to walk out of the restaurant facing the barrier.... yes I hobbled the hell outta there….. (and yes, my feet still hurt from the naked blister..)

Surely I should be at the end of the tunnel now?!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

What if..

With some spare time, a thought came to my head...

If someone took a photo of me, and the photo reflect everything that is within me and nothing on the superficial layer..

What would I look like in that photo...

Would I be an ugly beast? A slimy worm? An animal? Or simply.. nothingless..

I wonder...

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Where is my trophy?!?!?!?!?!!!

Ah, 1st of April, April fools!! What a day this would turn out to be.

UNSW somehow decided this day to hold the annual UNSW badminton open competition on this weekend starting on the April fools day.

I was doing my last minute packing in the twilight hours in the morning as usual.. =p but before I knew it, I was already doing my warm ups at 8.30...some open graders decided to warm up on the next court, and it resulted in me poo poo'ing my pants... so I had to leave the courts to settle my nerves. I decided to loiter around the control room and annoying the people within.. kekeke... I found that they've decided to give me a cooler name by accident... Vincent Ping... as the guy decided my full name was too long, and just chop it after the 2nd word... nice one... =.=...

My first match was announced at court 6 some time just before 9. During the game my stroke felt great, I was in control early, and things seemed to fall in place.... But little did I know, the first match had already taken a toll on my body....

My shoulder was strained and my knees weakened from the court coverage and mis-judged plays....=[, but ah ha! Not to worry, dencorub to the rescue! I was feeling right at home whilst rubbing the magical heat jell onto my sore shoulders and arm when suddenly I realised I was generating much more attention than expected..... spectators were somewhat amused as I had half my top off and... I suppose I did look like I was "feeling" myself..... or scratching... I think I did let out a few moans as it DID releaf the pain... =p (they were soft ones though.. and I was hiding in the dark corner... oh wait...that... potentially could've made the situation more ..shall we say... strange? =[..)

Anyhow, that tube of clear liquid did wondrous things to my troubled areas, weather it was placebo or not, I swear by it now... I felt like super seian V-Ping.

One thing I found though... is that.. it's not a good idea to not wash your hands before going to the toilet after doing a lot of dancorub'ing. The heat sensation is somewhat... discomforting to sensitive areas... which resulted in me walking like a crab for a good half an hour..=.=.. and to make matters worse..... Others were asking what's wrong.... =.=;;;;;

Anyhow, with my fatigue body, I managed to get myself into the quarter finals in both men's single and doubles, but failed to finish my opponents off in both categories.

Overall, it was good fun.... Moral of the story, wash your hand before going to the loo after dencourb'ing... or much hilarity ensured.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


Sometimes I wonder why some people get classified as incompetent drivers.

I mean, they possess all of the foundation skills of turning, forward and reverse. In a way, thats all there is, as other skills such as U turns etc are simply combinations of these 3 actions.

So it’s a real surprise when someone makes a whooping statement like ‘I can’t drive in the city’.

What? So suddenly you lose all THREE foundation skills of driving?!

Sure, there are more one way streets and a bit more cars in the city, but with a bit of patience, you can get from A to B just like anywhere else. So what makes it so difficult? It’s the ‘mindset’ of the driver, with thoughts like ‘it’s so hard’, ‘too many cars’ and ‘road are too complex in the city’ that suddenly your mental image of the city roads becomes something we see in sci-fi flicks where traffic intersect everywhere with multiple vertical as well as horizontal lanes.

Then there are the perfectionists that slit their wrist when ever they make a wrong turn. In reality, there are no wrong turns or wrong ways, only faster or slower route as all the roads are interconnected in one way or the other. Worse come to worse, do a U turn, there was a reason why cars have the ability to do that.

The exploration of this idea has lead me to conclude that some incompetent drivers aren’t incompetent at all, it’s their mindset and patience that lead them down the path of the title.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Something feels familiar..

With windows opened, a cool night breeze dancing around the room and uni books opened…… something feels familiar.

Craming for math exams and elec assignments back in year 3!

Ah, what a year that was, staying up late, working out how the heck to tackle assignments, with people on icq messaging away seeing if anyone has made any progress (yep.. there were a time where we all used icq =p). Looking back now… it was actually quite fun.

The crazy idea to all meet up in the middle of the night in order to glue together bits n pieces of the assignment puzzle… Then to go home before dawn to return the family car and head back to uni in a zombie state, only to struggle with the stapler in front of the front office panic'ing not to miss the cutoff time.

Ahh...I need some sleep.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Time of the month again.

So it seems after my last masquarade with my brand spanking new woop-dee-doo computer, I haven't written anything remotly close to what's happening in my life.

Lets see.. in summary..
1 - yep i'm still alive.. if not, its actually an automated script I wrote that updated this blog (including this entry).
2 - went travelling, yep HK. Wow, how did you guess?!
3 - Ams back now, and am.. *sigh* .. back to work
4 - Updated the count of my age.. thanks guys for the cake!! :D
5 - (Added number 5 just to make it seem that a lot has been happening in my life =p)

Well, that's the short version, and as many of yous probabily has gotten a long embellished version of what happened during my trip to hk, I'll let that slip for now. (No I didn't get a transgender operation in hk.. =p)

Kept it nice and short this time =]

Oh and last but not least, HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!!!!!!!!!! >:)