Sunday, March 19, 2006

Something feels familiar..

With windows opened, a cool night breeze dancing around the room and uni books opened…… something feels familiar.

Craming for math exams and elec assignments back in year 3!

Ah, what a year that was, staying up late, working out how the heck to tackle assignments, with people on icq messaging away seeing if anyone has made any progress (yep.. there were a time where we all used icq =p). Looking back now… it was actually quite fun.

The crazy idea to all meet up in the middle of the night in order to glue together bits n pieces of the assignment puzzle… Then to go home before dawn to return the family car and head back to uni in a zombie state, only to struggle with the stapler in front of the front office panic'ing not to miss the cutoff time.

Ahh...I need some sleep.

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