Saturday, April 01, 2006

Where is my trophy?!?!?!?!?!!!

Ah, 1st of April, April fools!! What a day this would turn out to be.

UNSW somehow decided this day to hold the annual UNSW badminton open competition on this weekend starting on the April fools day.

I was doing my last minute packing in the twilight hours in the morning as usual.. =p but before I knew it, I was already doing my warm ups at 8.30...some open graders decided to warm up on the next court, and it resulted in me poo poo'ing my pants... so I had to leave the courts to settle my nerves. I decided to loiter around the control room and annoying the people within.. kekeke... I found that they've decided to give me a cooler name by accident... Vincent Ping... as the guy decided my full name was too long, and just chop it after the 2nd word... nice one... =.=...

My first match was announced at court 6 some time just before 9. During the game my stroke felt great, I was in control early, and things seemed to fall in place.... But little did I know, the first match had already taken a toll on my body....

My shoulder was strained and my knees weakened from the court coverage and mis-judged plays....=[, but ah ha! Not to worry, dencorub to the rescue! I was feeling right at home whilst rubbing the magical heat jell onto my sore shoulders and arm when suddenly I realised I was generating much more attention than expected..... spectators were somewhat amused as I had half my top off and... I suppose I did look like I was "feeling" myself..... or scratching... I think I did let out a few moans as it DID releaf the pain... =p (they were soft ones though.. and I was hiding in the dark corner... oh wait...that... potentially could've made the situation more ..shall we say... strange? =[..)

Anyhow, that tube of clear liquid did wondrous things to my troubled areas, weather it was placebo or not, I swear by it now... I felt like super seian V-Ping.

One thing I found though... is that.. it's not a good idea to not wash your hands before going to the toilet after doing a lot of dancorub'ing. The heat sensation is somewhat... discomforting to sensitive areas... which resulted in me walking like a crab for a good half an hour..=.=.. and to make matters worse..... Others were asking what's wrong.... =.=;;;;;

Anyhow, with my fatigue body, I managed to get myself into the quarter finals in both men's single and doubles, but failed to finish my opponents off in both categories.

Overall, it was good fun.... Moral of the story, wash your hand before going to the loo after dencourb'ing... or much hilarity ensured.

1 comment:

YYT said...
