Sunday, July 23, 2006

And so it begins...

Argh... it's like a never beep-test... before you fully recover, the machine beeps, and you have to run like a dog to the other side... I wonder what stage I can get to...

A big thank you for those who rocked up to bball and ones who saw me during the break :) Was good to catch up :D

Also, an big apology in advance, as I may disappear in the coming 3 months .. :
Anyhow! During this break, I've reached my goal of almost averaging 10 hours a weekend of sport :) Also doing great in the first round of the badminton comp =] (no we didn't lose, we drew the first match of the round 1 round-robbin series).

Ok, that's it for now, over and out.

PS. I'm still online during working hours =p
Feel free to catch me there =]
See yous on the other side... or is it this side.. hmmm...

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