Saturday, March 04, 2006

Time of the month again.

So it seems after my last masquarade with my brand spanking new woop-dee-doo computer, I haven't written anything remotly close to what's happening in my life.

Lets see.. in summary..
1 - yep i'm still alive.. if not, its actually an automated script I wrote that updated this blog (including this entry).
2 - went travelling, yep HK. Wow, how did you guess?!
3 - Ams back now, and am.. *sigh* .. back to work
4 - Updated the count of my age.. thanks guys for the cake!! :D
5 - (Added number 5 just to make it seem that a lot has been happening in my life =p)

Well, that's the short version, and as many of yous probabily has gotten a long embellished version of what happened during my trip to hk, I'll let that slip for now. (No I didn't get a transgender operation in hk.. =p)

Kept it nice and short this time =]

Oh and last but not least, HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!!!!!!!!!! >:)

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