Thursday, July 13, 2006


Yes.. the most hated kind of people on the planet.....

First it was introduced in CS... let me explain... blockers are team mates that get in your way, block your bullets when you are firing at the enemy, AND block your way to back off when you see a grenade flying your way... nice one guys!

I didn't mind that TOO much... like hey, shit happens... and it's a game afterall.

But it becomes too much when it happens in real life.... like when the train JUST arrives, but some mofo decides to casually stroll up the stairs IN THE BLOODY MIDDLE of the stairway which only has enough room for 2 people to walk side by side.....

What the hell is wrong with them? Can't they HEAR heavy foot steps coming from behind them?! Seriously, train arrives, you hear heavy breathing and running steps from behind, do you what? Shut off all senses AND block their way?!

Ok, say.. they *somehow* didn't hear all that AND *somehow* didn't sense people behind them is trying to catch the train..... you run up behind them, TRYING to side step them, basically with your body trying to squeeze past them... their reaction? Look at you weird.. and continue to STAY IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAIRWAY... **AND**.. amazingly... still walk in a slowmo pace....... GTFO.. (GET THE @#$% out..) of my way dude! seriously...

Mind you, they ain old people what so ever, if they're old and gray, fine, I can accept that, but mid-aged fit people?!

And no... they ain in 15 inch heals or anything un-walkable..

Sigh.. what is the world coming to....... one day, i'll just drag them back and fling them down the stairs... do the world a favour... this has happened to me far too many times already...


1 comment:

YYT said...

mmm... have you ever tried saying excuse me?... not saying that they're right in standing in the middle as it happens to me too.. but i like to let them know that yes they are in fact an obstacle.. give them a look too for extra measure... :)