Monday, November 14, 2005

Rising geek-o-meter

I have finally got off my ass and assembled my new love.

She's a half cast with mainly mainland blood (yep half cast do look better, ^5 Fooey). The somewhat tanned outer appearance reflect the care I have given in taking care of her, if I recall correctly, she was here throughout my thesis year, and if it weren't for her, my thesis would've definitely fell apart. She still look like the first day I met her.

I met her through an internet website while I was casually surfing the waveless web, she flashed me a few signals and all lights were green.. and as others put it..the rest.. is history. (Not sure if it was a live cam or a gif animation.. can't trust what you see these days, but I scored anyway =])

Recently I took her for a full cleansing therapy and after lining up for almost one hour for that therapy in a highly unventilated room, expectations were definitely high. The result looks promising as she no longer complains about the weather (mostly the heat), and seems to do things more efficiently.

I also took her to a massage center, to get the positive energy flowing through her, and the head massage (which cost me extra!!) seems to have taken away the headaches she used to get when I ask her to do one thing too many at once.

Since its almost our 2nd year anniversary, I decided to get her a pen (yep, very original), and in return, she went to some class and learnt to write in some language called 'dee vee dee' ... maybe its African or something, I fell asleep when she tried to explain the origins of it.

With a huge dent in my wallet, she now hums happily for the time being, no longer bitching, moaning and striking when I ask her for favors.

Women.. Can't live with them, can't live without them. =]

Friday, November 11, 2005

The australian way..

Yep, its here folks, summer is officially here with temperature surging well over 30's with wind that can exfoliate better than any products out there.

Work is as usual, each morning I'm compacted in a tin-can they call the public transport system with aircon at full blast effectively reducing spacing required per person resulting in more room to squeeze a few more unfortunate soul to the pack.

Its not that bad really... nup, its the great Australian wave that gets to my nerves.

You may be thinking.. what great Australian wave? The Su-nar-me?! Nono... its the wave that's been tattooed into our system which we bring out automatically as summer hits this sun dried island.

Surprisingly the wave isn't directed at anyone, infact, it's sole purpose it only to temporarily displace flies from attaching itself to your face. I think the flies are probably trying to get a rush of adrenalin (ie. natural high) as they narrowly escape the deadly wave of death… those bastards!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Boring Title #1

Yes I've injured my wrist, and yes it hurts. Just to clarify, i got it from SNOWBOARDING.

We're finally moving office tomorrow! Going to be a fun packing trip tomorrow, looking forward to relax by my box sitting at the back a truck crawling to nrth syd.


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Season opening

Quick update in the events that happened.

Badminton: Full steam ahead to round 2 with first round winning 4-1, and my game 21-10.

Well.. First game of the season in div III started off with several changes. New players, new attitude and new challenges. Sean and Alex are the latest additions to team, where the two are like the opposite of good and evil.

The game started off slow, with our team snaching the first basket thanks to me (kekeke..). I think most Asians are into soccer, and Alex is one of them. Probabily due to his bodily reaction (and frustration), he demonstrated his strike power with the bball which proceeded to make contact with the glass windows at the side of the gym :\ . The thundering strike even stopped the time from ticking.. well sort of.. there was a [pause] + [silence] and ref wide eyed, jaws dropped, slowly moving back from the crazy asian trying to be Ronaldo before madly blowing the whistle to hand down a tech foul. (I swear, even the 2M american nigga ref had cold sweat running down his forhead..).

If anything, that was only the entree to what was soon to come in the match, as frustration and temper boiled. With 1 minute to go, and our team down by 8 points, fouling was the only white light which would guide us to victory, and being the cleanest player on the team (yep, i was the *only* player who had 0 fouls at the point in the game), the dirty task was handed to me.

Anyway, back to the legend *cough* i mean story, I honorably walked up behind the guy who just grabbed the rebound (no i ain taking him from behind...) gave him a little push at the back and drew the foul. Now, my mind may be playing tricks, but I recall we were above 8 team fouls, so they should've went to the line for shots, but somehow they had a throw in (?!?!?! W>T>F).

So, as its only a throw in, I happily walk back to our half to reset our defense, that's when i felt something touch my leg which was a bit alarming due to bad experiences at tool shed... ANYWAY.. i though nothing of it and continue walking, that's when suddenly, out of no where, my whole team came running to me waving their fists , blood veins bursting with fire and mouth spitting acidic liquid... well, you get the picture..

I got into the thai chi martial arts ready position, ready to do the "4 grams move thousand gold" move against this mob of wild crazy asian, that's when they rushed passed me and eyeballed the caucassion who's almost 2M tall and was the guy that rebelled against my iron push.
Anyway, I was relieved.....didn't want to hurt any of my team mates... you know (=p).. :).

Man, was Tony pissed! A lot of #$%@#% was thrown around, kevin flexed while Tony talked, and Alex did a few of his Ronaldo strikes in thin air to fire some chi towards the caucassion. A quick look around revealed that the chick ref has somehow sneaked all the way to the other side line, away from the commotion (smart ref), and the black ref (standing behind the crowd) whispered "hey yo, chill man"... bet he wanted to see something start as the bball standard was definitly not up to par to his standard.

But with the clock running down, and seconds = money, us asian team knew the best bang for buck = continue with the game. We didn't manage to come out on-top of the game, but it felt good to have the team behind you :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The story of tofu

For those who have seen me lately.. yes it is a brused eye, no, i am not wearing eye shadow (only at tool shed do i wear that stuff ^^ =p).

So how'd i get that?... long story.. and since i've been typing crap loads today, i'll cut it down to a few lines....

girl: wtf u doing, u eat me tofu (sek ngo dau fu)?!
me: erm.. I dun eat "chow dau fu" (rotten tofu)...

[black eye].

rising blood pressure 2

So... I though I'll take it easy after the tense bball match on thursday night.... and off to soccer I went on the weekend....

Little did I know that we're well short in numbers and what a fun match its going to be...

Slept in on saturday, rushed off to soccer, thinking, no worries, i'll prolly sub on or something.. only to get there just as they're about to kick off, and team celebrating(wtf!?) that they got one more... i'm like.. err.. hmm... then I realise we have 9..... great.

Instantly after kick off, they poured in our half and just like facing a firing squad, bullet kept flying towards our goal. Paki, our goalie, must've saved at least 20 goals with another 20 near misses and the rest cleared by our defense... One of their shots came flying in from a set piece, luckly one of our midfield was in the way, cept the ball smack banged to his eye which deflicted to hit the corner post..... nice save! 0-0 half time.. ball posession.. -20 to our team. (blood pressure: 130)

Seond half, we're a bit fired up, except.. the guy that got hit in the eye, came on field, and within a few minutes, his ankle got screwed. Darn... and coz we have no subs, he had to play on.. and wasn't too smart when a lob came to him, he attempted to cross it before the bounce.. which is good in theory.. except he used his bad ankle....... as soon as the ball hit, he went down... and for the rest of the match he limped at crawling speed...

Anyhow.. meanwhile.. we have reverted back to firing line... it was going to be how much we can reduce the score line.. as surely they'll score for sure, but how many is up to us...

One thing I noticed, is that our center defender (we had 3 defenders, 2 wing back 1 central def) likes to pull out to the left as they like to take the ball to their right wing.... so what do i do? forced to come mark his man leaving my wing open.... do i speak up? yep.. result? "yea yea, i got him, i got him".... yes sir! (blood pressure: 160)

Anyhow.... I have to say.. some saves by our keeper is bloody auwsome.... think of shaolin soccer.. one scene where he challenges opposition team to keep firing at the goal, he just flicks with 1 hand.. now i dunno if its intentional or not.... one shot.. all i heard was *BANG* and i couldn't even follow the ball with my eyes.. our keeper just used 1 hand to slap it out of bounds without moving his feet... followed by "THAT ALL YOU GOT!".. i think his blood pressure was much higher than mine :
Ok back to one of their attack runs, they .. *again* took it to their right wing, out run our left def, got to end of the field.....and our central def decides he need 2 on 1 him..... leaving center striker open?! god damn.. guess what.. they know how to pass.......striker wide open infront of goal! Thank god i had speed on my side.. came flying in to boot the #@$% outta the ball... (blood pressure 170) Oh and our central def turned to me "good work vince, i got him covered" (okies!... )

After x amount of corners (i lost count.. ) I observed that one of their little dude is their main header who always gets the ball.. and coz i though i ain fast enough to stick to him, i told the central defender about him, he goes "no probs, i've got him".... so during one corner he *again* gets to the ball and headed it to the goal.. luckly our keeper tipped it to another corner... that's when i decided nup, i ain gonna trust that damn central defender no more..... so i stuck to the guy.. and *again* he gets to the ball, but luckly it hit my leg.. deflected, and someone cleared.. and they got another corner again... this happened 3 times in a row..... (blood pressure: 190)

Then one time.. our keeper was beaten as he was going down to tackle the ball, the smart arse passed to the central striker.. and guess what.. he was free.. wtf was our central def?! (blood pressure: 210) I went flying in to tackle then boot the sh#t outta the ball.. which didn't go very far =p

Anyway... then our keeper got his hand stomped on.. he took his gloves off.. and shit.. his palm was shaking violently... god damn.. guess all those cool looking saves did take a toll on his hands... After this, i had a knee clash... which did hurt like hell... all i remember was going for the ball, next thing i was on the ground. Then shortly after, one o four midfielder got his ankle screwed up.... sigh ;
ok i'm too lazy to type on.. we lost 3-0. (blood pressure: 269)

rising blood pressure

T E N S E moments anyone? Only in big games like super bowl or NBA is where you'd expect a hero throwing an unbleievable pass or do a miracle run to come back to win. Kobe Bryan's 3 pointer buzzer beater to draw the match twice in a match anyone?

So this was 2 weeks ago... lets rewind the clocks and let the games begin..

After the first disappointing appearence of team "fri r1" aka "fried rice with peas" (=p), expectations were low for the second match. I arrived half an hour early.. only to find games were delayed coz refs were having coffee and make up delayed their appearence at the game.. (what the?!).

Anyhow.. the mood was more or less.. lets get it over and done with as our sleep deprived team got on the court telling the ref to hurry the *beep* up as he leasurely strolls around smiling aimlessly into space... (i swear, he must be fantasizing some shit while holding that game ball.. shit and I touched that ball too... )

Fast forward a bit.. and we're in game.. 3rd minute, due to tony/kevin's good pressure def and me being at the right place, i quick jab at the ball and ball was mine.. instantly my turbo kicked in and i was off for a fast break.. when their guard closed in on my at mid court, i pressed my nitros button and out ran him.. cept after I have passed him, I noticed the ball is travelling faster than me in mid air?! Instantly I swithced to gear 2,3,4,5... yet i'm still on the same spot?! cept my initial speed meant my upper body is still in forward motion, but my legs are behind me due to some friction on the floor.. and i ended up falling flat faced on the floor.... yay for dust...

So anyway, moving right along.. 2nd half was good, we were winning by 5 at one point, and kept holding it up, then i drew my 4th foul and had to be subbed off. The players on court were getting tired and once again we reverted back to our imfamous invert rainbow offensive formation.... not good :
Things got worse when our accuracy dropped and in the second last minute, they got to a 3 point lead. We got the ball and I took a shot.. thinking I can reduce it back to one point difference.. got nothing but ring... they got the ball and attempted a fast basket, but through our quick pace, they couldn't out run us, so they op'ed for a shot instead. They missed, and a quick glance at the clock, we had 10 seconds to somehow draw the match, if not.. win it... but quick basket is only 2 points, and they will unlikely foul us, so it will have to be a 3 pointer....

We got to their half with 5 seconds to go, tony bounced the ball looking for matt, those 2 passed between each other, but their had a lot of pressure on the person with the ball, while kevin was standing at the other end o fthe 3 point line taking a cig waiting for someone to give him the ball .. which never came.. and I was on the other baseline 3 point line.. also waiting for the ball.. but subconsiously.. Tony knew I can't shoot 3's =p so his body refuse to pass the ball to me.. or in his own words " i didn't see you" which is good, body automatically blinded him to not see me so we have more of a chance to somehow draw the match.

Back to the match.. i nervous look at the clock while the two pass between each other.. with 2 seconds to go, i couldn't handle it anymore and screamed "SHOOT IT!", but Tony..... prolly wanted to rise my bloody pressure by a few notch, held the ball.. till within the last second, he *finally* shot it.. and surprisingly, the defender ran right into him. the shot fell way short of the ring, buzzer went.. and both team went into frenzy.. with opposition screaming at the fouler and 'fri ri' scrambling to the ref to check if its gonna be 3 or 2 free throws.

So.. as it turned out.. it was 3 free throws. So a quick recap of the situation for those who has fallen asleep and just want the ending.. 0 seconds to go, we're trailing by 3 points, and we are given 3 free throws. If we make all 3, we draw the match. Movie script material anyone?

Anyway.. so Tony steps up to the line.. takes the first shot.. as soon as the ball left his hand, words slipped out of his mouth "oh shit" which ecoh'ed in our minds as we watch nerviously at the curving ball which somehow slipped in... thank god for sweat? =p

By then, other matches have finished, and attention was centered on our court wondering why we still have a shooter on court at the end of the game, and with a quick glance at the score board, their body shifted to watch the action. So tony steps up to the line for his second shot, and by now, instead of a roudy stadium, it was full silent where you can hear the heart beats of spectators and even their sound of breath sound like as if they're breathing right next to you.

Pressure must be mounting, and with a quick motion, tony took the second shot. The ball seem to hang in the air and what a contrast.... opposition team evil eye'ing the ball while team fri-ri had blood red eyes hoping the ball to fall through the nets and I think there was a tear in the eyes of matt.. and as the ball hit the ring which proceed to bounce out, we knew it was over.

A hero had just became a villan. It was a good game though... no..really....

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

What goes to plan?

So its a few days after graduation, things are starting to settle like dust thats been kicked up from a sand dune, not every dropplet of sand falls back to its origional position, some things are changed perminantly, yet the overall fact that its still a sand dune, implies that perhaps not much has changed. Maybe a new dune has formed, or a higher dune is built, what ever it is, the person that kicked it certinaly didn't noticed the disruption and continue to sail forward. Just like time.

So on the day, things were a rush, something that was expected. Sometimes, no matter how well you have prepared or plan the day, some things will just come unexpected and all hell breaks loose.

I shall start with the night before...... So, it was our second last bball match for the season, I found parking relatively easily soon after arriving (yes tony stole a spot right when i got there, damn!), and did the usual warmups. The game was tight, but during mid first half, I saw a gap down baseline and tried to draw a foul, the jump screwed up and the asian had his elbo in the line of sight from where I was jumping from. *bang*. I fall he fall, everyone fall. Instantly I felt some pain and swolled to what I though was somethign thicker than water. Naturally I touched my teeth to see if anything has been broken, but on the way to my teeth, my skin felt tight and won't budge to lift up (warning sign #1), and then to find my fingers soaked in blood *warning sign #2), I knew this couldn't be good.

Subbed off, and went to the toilet, first look I though wtf, I look like a cat! except only one side of my mouth does, the second side is flat.... Instantly went and got ice, anyway, saw this massive cut inside, thx to my trusty k9 teeth and juggled with the idea of going to see a doc or stay for the rest of the game. I chose the latter option. Long story short, I then had a swell on the night before my graduation, great.

Being asian, my mum went ape when she saw me as I walk to get some water, and went to docs to get it checked out. Ended up being a 3-4 hour wait at the hospital.

So the next day, plans had to change, could only get to uni at 10.30, the arranged time for the group of friends to raid parts of the uni for photos. Except only 2 people were there. Others, no where to be seen. Cool.

Oh yea, my swell was gone when I woke up, thanks to my 5 hours of "kissing the ice" during the wait at the hospital.

So snap snap snap snap, run around like mad to get things done before/after ceremony, and before I knew it, I had arleady walked on stage, got my scroll, forgot to bow to the counciller, lagged on stage for my parents to snap my final moments on stage, and back to the gay guy to return my gown. (There was a photo of him looking at my ass, and no, you are not getting a copy of that photo).

My well planned day turned into a photo frenzy and marathon run. Like to thank my parents for enduring all that though, they didn't rant much trying to follow me while snapping like the papparitzi's (might have spelt it wrong). More about gratuation later.

Peace out.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Next chapter in life.

At a glance over the title, some thoughts that might spring into your mind would be
1) Is he moving away?
2) Yay, he's outta mah life
3) WTF he's on about

Or, i'm sure most, with their twisted minds, will definitely have their mind set on the last option:
4) wow, he's finally going pro in tool shed.

But that's not whats in my mind right now, no I ain thinking about "certain" jewellery. It’s all the recent events that is happening around me, and settling into my mind slowly like sand slipping from the palm of your hand back to the beach.

With graduation just around the corner, the usual sinking feeling is settling in. Questions that I never though of springs to mind all of a sudden, is my gown going to be the right size, will my frisby'ing the hat cause any damage and leave me with a hefty bill, am I going to get parking on the day, will there be traffic, how about photos, am I going to miss any photos... and of course, the more mind tingling questions like.. Will I face the wrong way while doing the stage photo? and most importantly, am I going to trip in front of a few hundred people and peers?

But of course, those questions fade away when my sporting commitment drains me physically and mentally. (Not that I become retarded during work =p).

But doesn't the future looks so uncertain, where am I headed, what is going to become of me, what are my real interests (apart from certain sheds)....

So much questioning, so much uncertainty, yet so exciting and surprising. I figured, life is pretty contradictory, some things just happens when you least expect it.

Oh so much D&M stuff, its turning me into a woman!

So anyway, I feel its about time I wrote something about boot camp, the happy joy joy camp which everyone definitely should do (=p). To those who just made that face “=p” or “?_?”, yes, I was referring to you when I said “everyone” =p.

Well, I had someone asking me.. “wow, they can camp a the Botanic gardens? I though they were illegal, the view must be great”. Well.. I guess the view IS great, and no, what we’re doing isn’t illegal, hehe. All that’s involved is just a “little’ bit of running, a bit of upper and lower body work out, and that’s about it. :)

A lot of things can be experienced during boot camp. For instance, I’ve never knew the literal feeling of “cold sweat running down your forhead” when pressed to the limits, or what a nature shower really feels like. I also didn’t know beating the birds to wake up is so fun, I mean, if you have pet chickens, you can catch them easily while they’re asleep!

One thing about boot camp is that it promotes team bonding. How they do it is, if people don’t show up, the whole group gets to do more pushups as warm up, I guess this is apart of their team bonding strategy that they’ve refined over the years. Sometimes you even say “thank you [insert person’s name here who made you did the pushup]" for every pushup you got “awarded”.

Now I won’t mention any names, but out of the few of us who actually enlisted our tough souls to boot camp, I’m the only lone soldier who turned up to every session so far. And yes, I got “rewarded” for the disappeared mates. Yep, team bonding....

Anyway, woo, I better cut it off here before it gets too long.I’ll write some more when I have the time or when I actually recall something interesting.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

World spins..

The world spins with its dazzling lights twirl and float around me.

Didn't know being sick can get you so high as well...

Friday, March 18, 2005

Silence breaker

For those of yous who know me, I yack on a lot, either at uni, school, gym, during sport, or even at inappropriate surroundings, I tend to yack on, that is, unless I go to my blank off mode (refer to post below).

I've been labeled as drama queen, or loud, or sometimes even annoying, as "situations" usually happen around me, or at least they seem to be "situations" to me anyway, and I ain exactly the sort of person that panics...... yes, I don't panic....I think..... (don't give me that look now!!!)

So I find it in my duty to resolve the situations, or let others know of the situation, which usually results in the immediate surrounding personnel’s being infected with the panic syndrome and onlookers rubber necking on the idiot whos spreading the panic.

Now, ofcoruse, this applies to everywhere I go, and where I work, is definitly not exempted to my talent of breaking the peaceful silence.

A little bit of background on the company which I work in, the office is quite quiet, very quiet compared to my previous working experience, and given its an IT company, you would expect some sort of radio being played in the background, or rhythmic tapping from the monotonous typing which the code monkeys are expected to do. No no, the office is neatly spaced out, with people that greet you with a smile, but during working hours, not a lot is said.

Perhaps they are too busy surfing the web, not that *I* do that ofcourse, or on msn/icq? (I treat instant messages as research tools rather than an entertainment *cough*), but nonetheless, the atmosphere in my level of the office is quite simply, silent.

To give you an idea of how silent it is, you can fall asleep because it is so silent that your mind spaces out, like a motionless lake with no ripple and each time someone makes a sound, it makes a ripple on the entire lake.

Now that you know what my office is like, lets explore how I break this peaceful environment.

First, I have squeaky shoes, yep, and I do not know why, hahaha, maybe it's the steel cap starting to lift up, and when I put my weight onto them, it squeaks, haha, so you can imagine, when I go for a bathroom break, or snack break, everyone can hear this *squeak, squeak, squeak* down the hall.

Then the other day, while the office was quiet again, I was "deeply" concentrated on my work, when suddenly, my body decided to let out a bit of its natural gas from the tank, the outcome was that no odor were emitted (thank god), but as the saying goes, the louder it is, the less smell there are....... and my body picked the right time to conform to that rule... gee thanks..... And to top it off, there was a little echo.....with that, I see people around me looking around in search of the source of the.. lets say.. "disturbance"?

Being a smart person that I am, I followed suit and did the routine.. that is.. lift your bum up about 2 inches so your head stick up just above your cubicle, then look aimlessly around with one eye brow raised (and usually you would cover your nose, but in this case, there was no odor, so this step was omitted). My plan worked, and quickly my aimless gaze has detoured their tracking sensors and made it into a infinite loop due to people looking in one direction and I simply completed the circle by looking at the guy that weren't looking at me so eventually their tracking sensor algorithm core dumps and gives up. Great job. :)

So I've mentioned disruption of sound, but what about the panic which I seem to have a talent in triggering for others? Well... so.. usually on fridays, you would not make any drastic changes to anything (that is, either your project, module, research..etc) as you want to finish up on a good status on the last day of the working week, then come back monday and continue to push forward.... So the plan seems good, and ofcourse, being a smart worker that I am, I try to conform to that rule.... ... ...

Except..... there's this friday, where everything was going fine with work etc, I was in charge of making scripts, and some of them handles sensitive data, including merging tables and dropping the two source tables. Since the data is sensitive, and we were at the end of code development, many of the team members have to test it against the old database format, while some need the new. Being in a ingenious mood whilst creating the scripts, I saw that dropping the original table is very dangerous, so being nice and all, I commented a good several lines with "*WARNING*: Executing the following script will carry out non-reversible changes to the database, unless a backup database is available".

Ofcourse, being on a rush to finish stuff off, I suddenly felt like checking the script, and instead of reading what I have wrote, I just pop the whole script in, executed it.. then after it has executed, I realise the problem... all of a sudden, panic wave has spread, applications started dieing, people having confuse looks as suddenly the database reported table doesn't exist and software crashing... yep.. me at my best again. :)

So..... I'm guessing for those that are following to this point.. would say... "stop typing more bs in and tell us what happened" haha.. well... lets see.. oh yes, being a "smart" worker.. I slipped away, and hid in the toilet for a while.... hahahahahahaha, nah, why would I do that when there's a pool room upstaris? .. nah... I simply jumped out of my seat and yelled "CRIKEY" (alias for SHIT), and ofcourse I got the attention of most of the people when I started jumping around slapping my bum thinking that I just dropped more than half a million records in a mere few seconds......... BUT, luckly I wasn't working on the client site, and we have a few backups, so I got to the db manager dude and he fixed up the database.. haha *pheu* (ofcourse I knew that from the start!!!! *cough cough*)

Well... yea, so that's my eventful working life so far, me at my best, again.. :]

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Mind at peace

Have you ever had a time where you would stare aimlessly at something and just idle for a while, then suddenly snap back to normal consciousness again?

Its during that state where your mind blanks out, creating a timeout for your body. Now, why is that? Is it your mind forcing you to take a time out as you constantly bombard it with the fast pace life which you lead? Or subconsciously, you want a break, but in the conscious state of mind, you get so worked up with all the stress and pace of life that you just simply forget you are in need of a break?

So what happens at that state? Your mind fixes your eye to some fixed point and mind blanks, so blank that you don't even blink. Its like you have reach the transient state of mind, the state which many meditation followers want to achieve, or simply, yoda mind.

What's so special about this state of mind? To put it frankly, your body simply don't care about anything surrounding you. Maybe this is what it feels like to be "high" where nothing seems to matter, but then again, the drop back to reality will be a steep one, and most likely, it will hurt.

I think its enough thoughful material for now, I ain no doctor, so I can't present any concrete facts on this subject, but perhaps just an insight on my personal experiences. And just for the record, I didn't smoke no nothing before going into those blank moments :)

Peace out.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

So what am I

Hm, someitmes it does get you thinking, what is the significance of one man, or as in the movies go "What can one man do".

Unless you are some super star/political figure, face of the public or someone influencial in the An4l diamond industry, what is important about the individual?

Well, I guess I am a consumer, and one that creates demand for "particular" jewelurys, directly injecting funds back into the economy, and so the cycle continues. How is this different to the working ant? It is assigned a role, and carries it out, and so its life revolves around that. I guess the difference is, we are creative enough to plug stuff to places where triditionally was left alone, or pierce/ leave markings on areas which once was a perfectly healthy body part.

So what are we? Where do we exist once we've moved on? Only in the dazziling electronic signals buzzing in the minds of those who knew you. Mind you, those electornic signals are prone to alsaimers (spelling?), and just like any electronic signals in the physical world, it tends to deminish in strength after a certain amount of wires it has travelled in.

There is no guarentees in life, even those life time warentees have conditions apply, know why? Because they can't 100% guarentee that it will work forever, and will last forever. What does last forever anyway? Hell, not even Earth will last forever, once the core cools, that's it (ofcourse it'll take another few million if not billions of years first =p).

So what is the difference between people? In the computer world, we can be seen as functions. Huge complex functions, each however, has their own unique interface. Interface represents out looks, our height, expression, skin colour and race, and the inputs are our likes and don't likes.

The majority of the code would be similar, if not, the same, yet the output would be quite different.

With the overall algorithm, that gives us the intangible aspect, personality.

Now comes the question, what defines compadibility between two such beings? The code inside? The interface? One's outputs connects to the other's input? Or the intangible aspect where algo's are mutually supportive?

What makes Girlfriend1.1 better than Girlfriend1.0 in terms of compadability? what defines Girlfriend1.1 is more compadibe with opensourceBoyFriend1.0 than Girlfriend1.0?

Maybe the software Girlfriend needs to be opensourced to resolve the compadibility issues, or OpensourceBoyFriend needs to privatise and be a commercial product.

I've lost track of what I want to say now, haha, became another aimless junk of words, ah well.

Peace out.

As the rust grows on, things become the past

Hi, first note, yep, i do read comments. :)

Now.. on to the more immediate matter at hand, happy bday to... Stanley, Min, Tore(maybe i spelt it wrong) and Evelyn.


Over and out.

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

time killer

So, it seems I have left this so called.. blog.. in the dark for a while, so i feel its time to inject some more of my madness to balance out the world.

Lets see... reading my last post, I have gone into my imagination that i'm in Hong Kong, oh right, and that speaking chinese to stores person.. right.. =p what great timing, chinese new year is just around the corner, and once again, I am back into my wonderful hk la la land.

Everywhere I turn, i see dragon dance going off everywhere, distracting my attention while driving causing me to do a few elite swirving adding more to my near miss tally.

Have i mentioned my adventure to my back yard? After a few months of neglict, the backyard has finally grew "lush", and became a sanctuary for wild life. So, one day, before my parents' arrival (actually.. a few hours before they came.. none the less, i left enough time!), I walked leasurly to the garage, took the rusty cob-web willed sissors and strolled to the jungle of grass.

First thing that poped into my mind was.. where should i start.. oh correction.. where "could" i start.. haha, a chainsaw is probabily better job as weed and grass grew as tall as my knees and some even taller than me (look! no fertilization! guess I can say we have good healthy soil =p).

Anyway, so I just jumped in the middle of the bush and chopped away. It must be noted that it was raining a few hours prior I went ot the back yard, and I though.. in salons, most of them wash your hair first, then cut it while its wet, so using the same principle, I did the same and picked the moment after it rained to chop the grass.. Big..Mistake.. For one thing, it doesn't chop easier like hair when its wet, and second, when u chop the grass, most of the water on the leaves actualyl fling towards your face.. so I got quite a few facial wash from just chopping the grass, ah well, saves me time to wash my face. Oh then there's the bugs and the juicy worms, which I could not see at all, although I know somewhere below that thick jungle, its there somewhere looking and laughing at my squinted eyes trying to dodge the water droplets that flings to my head as I chopped the grass.

Yes I felt like neo as I recall the scene at the roof top with the agent firing bullets at neo and him dodging the bullets, except somehow.. every time when the droplets fly towards me, another matrix scene pops into my mind.. same scene, just a few minutes later where trinity points her gun next to the agent’s head “dodge this” :
I managed to chop about ¼ of the yard before my arms gave way, and tv called so my attention was directed to something else, which was totally out of my control ofcourse =p
Hence a rescheduling of my deforestation was needed, and I decided that I can do that next morning, just um.. hr before parents gets back =p….. then next day.. my sis storms in “hey, aren’t ya gonna pick up parents?!” and I realize somehow I have missed all 3 of my alarms.. yes, that’s 3, u didn’t read it wrong =p and I woke up minutes after their arrival, hahahahaha… Then plan B had to be executed…..

Plan B was quite simple really, just basically try and chop 80% of the grass’ length, so it looks like I has been chopped, and has regrown for about.. 2 weeks.. ok maybe I’m pushing it.. but I though 2 weeks is believable =p But in the end, I only manage to do a small circle of the back yard, and the weed still stands tall proudly pointing at the sun for all its glory… ;[

Anyway, wow, I’ve written shitloads this time, I’ll continue some other time, if more events comes up, or if I recall more interesting stuff =p

Ps. some bits are exagerrated, but most are for entertainment purposes, any of the stated facts of seemingly facts can not be used against my in the justice system without my permission. (yes a few of yous are lawers, so i better be careful what i say =p, i hope the ps thingo is legit enough to warrent my safety haha).