Wednesday, March 09, 2005

So what am I

Hm, someitmes it does get you thinking, what is the significance of one man, or as in the movies go "What can one man do".

Unless you are some super star/political figure, face of the public or someone influencial in the An4l diamond industry, what is important about the individual?

Well, I guess I am a consumer, and one that creates demand for "particular" jewelurys, directly injecting funds back into the economy, and so the cycle continues. How is this different to the working ant? It is assigned a role, and carries it out, and so its life revolves around that. I guess the difference is, we are creative enough to plug stuff to places where triditionally was left alone, or pierce/ leave markings on areas which once was a perfectly healthy body part.

So what are we? Where do we exist once we've moved on? Only in the dazziling electronic signals buzzing in the minds of those who knew you. Mind you, those electornic signals are prone to alsaimers (spelling?), and just like any electronic signals in the physical world, it tends to deminish in strength after a certain amount of wires it has travelled in.

There is no guarentees in life, even those life time warentees have conditions apply, know why? Because they can't 100% guarentee that it will work forever, and will last forever. What does last forever anyway? Hell, not even Earth will last forever, once the core cools, that's it (ofcourse it'll take another few million if not billions of years first =p).

So what is the difference between people? In the computer world, we can be seen as functions. Huge complex functions, each however, has their own unique interface. Interface represents out looks, our height, expression, skin colour and race, and the inputs are our likes and don't likes.

The majority of the code would be similar, if not, the same, yet the output would be quite different.

With the overall algorithm, that gives us the intangible aspect, personality.

Now comes the question, what defines compadibility between two such beings? The code inside? The interface? One's outputs connects to the other's input? Or the intangible aspect where algo's are mutually supportive?

What makes Girlfriend1.1 better than Girlfriend1.0 in terms of compadability? what defines Girlfriend1.1 is more compadibe with opensourceBoyFriend1.0 than Girlfriend1.0?

Maybe the software Girlfriend needs to be opensourced to resolve the compadibility issues, or OpensourceBoyFriend needs to privatise and be a commercial product.

I've lost track of what I want to say now, haha, became another aimless junk of words, ah well.

Peace out.


gcfoodie said...

whoa that was real deep haha..maybe u should have done philosophy =p

juice said...

Really.. reducing people into bionomials and a reflection of technically ambiguous bits and pieces?

If that is your intention Veebs, then I'm that extra tiny lightbulb that is a back-up to that other that blinks only because no one has fixed it! =)