Monday, November 14, 2005

Rising geek-o-meter

I have finally got off my ass and assembled my new love.

She's a half cast with mainly mainland blood (yep half cast do look better, ^5 Fooey). The somewhat tanned outer appearance reflect the care I have given in taking care of her, if I recall correctly, she was here throughout my thesis year, and if it weren't for her, my thesis would've definitely fell apart. She still look like the first day I met her.

I met her through an internet website while I was casually surfing the waveless web, she flashed me a few signals and all lights were green.. and as others put it..the rest.. is history. (Not sure if it was a live cam or a gif animation.. can't trust what you see these days, but I scored anyway =])

Recently I took her for a full cleansing therapy and after lining up for almost one hour for that therapy in a highly unventilated room, expectations were definitely high. The result looks promising as she no longer complains about the weather (mostly the heat), and seems to do things more efficiently.

I also took her to a massage center, to get the positive energy flowing through her, and the head massage (which cost me extra!!) seems to have taken away the headaches she used to get when I ask her to do one thing too many at once.

Since its almost our 2nd year anniversary, I decided to get her a pen (yep, very original), and in return, she went to some class and learnt to write in some language called 'dee vee dee' ... maybe its African or something, I fell asleep when she tried to explain the origins of it.

With a huge dent in my wallet, she now hums happily for the time being, no longer bitching, moaning and striking when I ask her for favors.

Women.. Can't live with them, can't live without them. =]

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