Tuesday, June 14, 2005

rising blood pressure

T E N S E moments anyone? Only in big games like super bowl or NBA is where you'd expect a hero throwing an unbleievable pass or do a miracle run to come back to win. Kobe Bryan's 3 pointer buzzer beater to draw the match twice in a match anyone?

So this was 2 weeks ago... lets rewind the clocks and let the games begin..

After the first disappointing appearence of team "fri r1" aka "fried rice with peas" (=p), expectations were low for the second match. I arrived half an hour early.. only to find games were delayed coz refs were having coffee and make up delayed their appearence at the game.. (what the?!).

Anyhow.. the mood was more or less.. lets get it over and done with as our sleep deprived team got on the court telling the ref to hurry the *beep* up as he leasurely strolls around smiling aimlessly into space... (i swear, he must be fantasizing some shit while holding that game ball.. shit and I touched that ball too... )

Fast forward a bit.. and we're in game.. 3rd minute, due to tony/kevin's good pressure def and me being at the right place, i quick jab at the ball and ball was mine.. instantly my turbo kicked in and i was off for a fast break.. when their guard closed in on my at mid court, i pressed my nitros button and out ran him.. cept after I have passed him, I noticed the ball is travelling faster than me in mid air?! Instantly I swithced to gear 2,3,4,5... yet i'm still on the same spot?! cept my initial speed meant my upper body is still in forward motion, but my legs are behind me due to some friction on the floor.. and i ended up falling flat faced on the floor.... yay for dust...

So anyway, moving right along.. 2nd half was good, we were winning by 5 at one point, and kept holding it up, then i drew my 4th foul and had to be subbed off. The players on court were getting tired and once again we reverted back to our imfamous invert rainbow offensive formation.... not good :
Things got worse when our accuracy dropped and in the second last minute, they got to a 3 point lead. We got the ball and I took a shot.. thinking I can reduce it back to one point difference.. got nothing but ring... they got the ball and attempted a fast basket, but through our quick pace, they couldn't out run us, so they op'ed for a shot instead. They missed, and a quick glance at the clock, we had 10 seconds to somehow draw the match, if not.. win it... but quick basket is only 2 points, and they will unlikely foul us, so it will have to be a 3 pointer....

We got to their half with 5 seconds to go, tony bounced the ball looking for matt, those 2 passed between each other, but their had a lot of pressure on the person with the ball, while kevin was standing at the other end o fthe 3 point line taking a cig waiting for someone to give him the ball .. which never came.. and I was on the other baseline 3 point line.. also waiting for the ball.. but subconsiously.. Tony knew I can't shoot 3's =p so his body refuse to pass the ball to me.. or in his own words " i didn't see you" which is good, body automatically blinded him to not see me so we have more of a chance to somehow draw the match.

Back to the match.. i nervous look at the clock while the two pass between each other.. with 2 seconds to go, i couldn't handle it anymore and screamed "SHOOT IT!", but Tony..... prolly wanted to rise my bloody pressure by a few notch, held the ball.. till within the last second, he *finally* shot it.. and surprisingly, the defender ran right into him. the shot fell way short of the ring, buzzer went.. and both team went into frenzy.. with opposition screaming at the fouler and 'fri ri' scrambling to the ref to check if its gonna be 3 or 2 free throws.

So.. as it turned out.. it was 3 free throws. So a quick recap of the situation for those who has fallen asleep and just want the ending.. 0 seconds to go, we're trailing by 3 points, and we are given 3 free throws. If we make all 3, we draw the match. Movie script material anyone?

Anyway.. so Tony steps up to the line.. takes the first shot.. as soon as the ball left his hand, words slipped out of his mouth "oh shit" which ecoh'ed in our minds as we watch nerviously at the curving ball which somehow slipped in... thank god for sweat? =p

By then, other matches have finished, and attention was centered on our court wondering why we still have a shooter on court at the end of the game, and with a quick glance at the score board, their body shifted to watch the action. So tony steps up to the line for his second shot, and by now, instead of a roudy stadium, it was full silent where you can hear the heart beats of spectators and even their sound of breath sound like as if they're breathing right next to you.

Pressure must be mounting, and with a quick motion, tony took the second shot. The ball seem to hang in the air and what a contrast.... opposition team evil eye'ing the ball while team fri-ri had blood red eyes hoping the ball to fall through the nets and I think there was a tear in the eyes of matt.. and as the ball hit the ring which proceed to bounce out, we knew it was over.

A hero had just became a villan. It was a good game though... no..really....

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