Friday, March 18, 2005

Silence breaker

For those of yous who know me, I yack on a lot, either at uni, school, gym, during sport, or even at inappropriate surroundings, I tend to yack on, that is, unless I go to my blank off mode (refer to post below).

I've been labeled as drama queen, or loud, or sometimes even annoying, as "situations" usually happen around me, or at least they seem to be "situations" to me anyway, and I ain exactly the sort of person that panics...... yes, I don't panic....I think..... (don't give me that look now!!!)

So I find it in my duty to resolve the situations, or let others know of the situation, which usually results in the immediate surrounding personnel’s being infected with the panic syndrome and onlookers rubber necking on the idiot whos spreading the panic.

Now, ofcoruse, this applies to everywhere I go, and where I work, is definitly not exempted to my talent of breaking the peaceful silence.

A little bit of background on the company which I work in, the office is quite quiet, very quiet compared to my previous working experience, and given its an IT company, you would expect some sort of radio being played in the background, or rhythmic tapping from the monotonous typing which the code monkeys are expected to do. No no, the office is neatly spaced out, with people that greet you with a smile, but during working hours, not a lot is said.

Perhaps they are too busy surfing the web, not that *I* do that ofcourse, or on msn/icq? (I treat instant messages as research tools rather than an entertainment *cough*), but nonetheless, the atmosphere in my level of the office is quite simply, silent.

To give you an idea of how silent it is, you can fall asleep because it is so silent that your mind spaces out, like a motionless lake with no ripple and each time someone makes a sound, it makes a ripple on the entire lake.

Now that you know what my office is like, lets explore how I break this peaceful environment.

First, I have squeaky shoes, yep, and I do not know why, hahaha, maybe it's the steel cap starting to lift up, and when I put my weight onto them, it squeaks, haha, so you can imagine, when I go for a bathroom break, or snack break, everyone can hear this *squeak, squeak, squeak* down the hall.

Then the other day, while the office was quiet again, I was "deeply" concentrated on my work, when suddenly, my body decided to let out a bit of its natural gas from the tank, the outcome was that no odor were emitted (thank god), but as the saying goes, the louder it is, the less smell there are....... and my body picked the right time to conform to that rule... gee thanks..... And to top it off, there was a little echo.....with that, I see people around me looking around in search of the source of the.. lets say.. "disturbance"?

Being a smart person that I am, I followed suit and did the routine.. that is.. lift your bum up about 2 inches so your head stick up just above your cubicle, then look aimlessly around with one eye brow raised (and usually you would cover your nose, but in this case, there was no odor, so this step was omitted). My plan worked, and quickly my aimless gaze has detoured their tracking sensors and made it into a infinite loop due to people looking in one direction and I simply completed the circle by looking at the guy that weren't looking at me so eventually their tracking sensor algorithm core dumps and gives up. Great job. :)

So I've mentioned disruption of sound, but what about the panic which I seem to have a talent in triggering for others? Well... so.. usually on fridays, you would not make any drastic changes to anything (that is, either your project, module, research..etc) as you want to finish up on a good status on the last day of the working week, then come back monday and continue to push forward.... So the plan seems good, and ofcourse, being a smart worker that I am, I try to conform to that rule.... ... ...

Except..... there's this friday, where everything was going fine with work etc, I was in charge of making scripts, and some of them handles sensitive data, including merging tables and dropping the two source tables. Since the data is sensitive, and we were at the end of code development, many of the team members have to test it against the old database format, while some need the new. Being in a ingenious mood whilst creating the scripts, I saw that dropping the original table is very dangerous, so being nice and all, I commented a good several lines with "*WARNING*: Executing the following script will carry out non-reversible changes to the database, unless a backup database is available".

Ofcourse, being on a rush to finish stuff off, I suddenly felt like checking the script, and instead of reading what I have wrote, I just pop the whole script in, executed it.. then after it has executed, I realise the problem... all of a sudden, panic wave has spread, applications started dieing, people having confuse looks as suddenly the database reported table doesn't exist and software crashing... yep.. me at my best again. :)

So..... I'm guessing for those that are following to this point.. would say... "stop typing more bs in and tell us what happened" haha.. well... lets see.. oh yes, being a "smart" worker.. I slipped away, and hid in the toilet for a while.... hahahahahahaha, nah, why would I do that when there's a pool room upstaris? .. nah... I simply jumped out of my seat and yelled "CRIKEY" (alias for SHIT), and ofcourse I got the attention of most of the people when I started jumping around slapping my bum thinking that I just dropped more than half a million records in a mere few seconds......... BUT, luckly I wasn't working on the client site, and we have a few backups, so I got to the db manager dude and he fixed up the database.. haha *pheu* (ofcourse I knew that from the start!!!! *cough cough*)

Well... yea, so that's my eventful working life so far, me at my best, again.. :]


Marty said...

Are your posts long enough ???

Vincent said...

haha, it makes up for the lack of em =p

gcfoodie said...

haha i didnt know guys hid in the toilet too

juice said...

you make programming sound so exciting.

Have you personalised your office space?

Haha. i like your blog~ keep up the good work!

Vincent said...

hehe, unfortunatly, my table is a mess, paper everywhere =p

Maybe i should blog about my work space, haha..