Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Season opening

Quick update in the events that happened.

Badminton: Full steam ahead to round 2 with first round winning 4-1, and my game 21-10.

Well.. First game of the season in div III started off with several changes. New players, new attitude and new challenges. Sean and Alex are the latest additions to team, where the two are like the opposite of good and evil.

The game started off slow, with our team snaching the first basket thanks to me (kekeke..). I think most Asians are into soccer, and Alex is one of them. Probabily due to his bodily reaction (and frustration), he demonstrated his strike power with the bball which proceeded to make contact with the glass windows at the side of the gym :\ . The thundering strike even stopped the time from ticking.. well sort of.. there was a [pause] + [silence] and ref wide eyed, jaws dropped, slowly moving back from the crazy asian trying to be Ronaldo before madly blowing the whistle to hand down a tech foul. (I swear, even the 2M american nigga ref had cold sweat running down his forhead..).

If anything, that was only the entree to what was soon to come in the match, as frustration and temper boiled. With 1 minute to go, and our team down by 8 points, fouling was the only white light which would guide us to victory, and being the cleanest player on the team (yep, i was the *only* player who had 0 fouls at the point in the game), the dirty task was handed to me.

Anyway, back to the legend *cough* i mean story, I honorably walked up behind the guy who just grabbed the rebound (no i ain taking him from behind...) gave him a little push at the back and drew the foul. Now, my mind may be playing tricks, but I recall we were above 8 team fouls, so they should've went to the line for shots, but somehow they had a throw in (?!?!?! W>T>F).

So, as its only a throw in, I happily walk back to our half to reset our defense, that's when i felt something touch my leg which was a bit alarming due to bad experiences at tool shed... ANYWAY.. i though nothing of it and continue walking, that's when suddenly, out of no where, my whole team came running to me waving their fists , blood veins bursting with fire and mouth spitting acidic liquid... well, you get the picture..

I got into the thai chi martial arts ready position, ready to do the "4 grams move thousand gold" move against this mob of wild crazy asian, that's when they rushed passed me and eyeballed the caucassion who's almost 2M tall and was the guy that rebelled against my iron push.
Anyway, I was relieved.....didn't want to hurt any of my team mates... you know (=p).. :).

Man, was Tony pissed! A lot of #$%@#% was thrown around, kevin flexed while Tony talked, and Alex did a few of his Ronaldo strikes in thin air to fire some chi towards the caucassion. A quick look around revealed that the chick ref has somehow sneaked all the way to the other side line, away from the commotion (smart ref), and the black ref (standing behind the crowd) whispered "hey yo, chill man"... bet he wanted to see something start as the bball standard was definitly not up to par to his standard.

But with the clock running down, and seconds = money, us asian team knew the best bang for buck = continue with the game. We didn't manage to come out on-top of the game, but it felt good to have the team behind you :)


YYT said...

what what what?!?.. i dont get it.. was there a fight!?!? o ok.. i get it now.. had to re-read it 3 times...

Vincent said...

:( me and my bad engrish :\