Thursday, March 17, 2005

Mind at peace

Have you ever had a time where you would stare aimlessly at something and just idle for a while, then suddenly snap back to normal consciousness again?

Its during that state where your mind blanks out, creating a timeout for your body. Now, why is that? Is it your mind forcing you to take a time out as you constantly bombard it with the fast pace life which you lead? Or subconsciously, you want a break, but in the conscious state of mind, you get so worked up with all the stress and pace of life that you just simply forget you are in need of a break?

So what happens at that state? Your mind fixes your eye to some fixed point and mind blanks, so blank that you don't even blink. Its like you have reach the transient state of mind, the state which many meditation followers want to achieve, or simply, yoda mind.

What's so special about this state of mind? To put it frankly, your body simply don't care about anything surrounding you. Maybe this is what it feels like to be "high" where nothing seems to matter, but then again, the drop back to reality will be a steep one, and most likely, it will hurt.

I think its enough thoughful material for now, I ain no doctor, so I can't present any concrete facts on this subject, but perhaps just an insight on my personal experiences. And just for the record, I didn't smoke no nothing before going into those blank moments :)

Peace out.


what's my kryptonite? said...

mate....did you write this at work? must've been bored shitless....hahaha

its what work does to ya mate!

Vincent said...

haha, i think i did, during my break times =p