Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feb 14th... hm!

So it’s V-day again, but being in a different status gave me a whole new dimension on things..

It wasn't long ago when transportation was limited to trains, horse carts and the trusty legs that god has given us. Towns were designed differently back then. With limited range that each person can travel on foot, shops were more localised and within walking distance. People walked, talked and actually knew each other in their area, a very connected socialised community. Postmen actually knew the person by face rather than some name to some number.

Now fast forward many decades, population explodes exponentially, however with cities like Sydney which is quite densely populated, loneliness is at an all time high. With the discovery of petrol and invention of cars, cities are developed to channel people to certain districts to do their specific shopping. We no longer know our neighbours, no longer have to walk to go to shops, and no longer know each other who lives in the same area. Is this an advancement or a break down of one of humanity's founding aspect, communities and interactivity.

In fact, it's getting worse, with greater freedom of choice and technology, they promote individualism and isolates people from face-to-face interaction. Home theatre, internet shopping, and internet itself are some of the new technologies that do just that.

Isn't it ironic that whilst humans strive to meet their material needs, they lose one of the most foundational aspects of human life.


YYT said...

but.. with the new technology it is now actually easier to contact people who are normally hard to reach.. you can "see" each other even if you're half way across the globe.. face-to-face interaction is not all lost.. i guess it's different for everyone.. but i've always known who my neighbours were.. and it's a fruitful relationship literally!! we give each other fruit/food.. think it depends where you live.. but if you do shop around the same area all the time.. you will get to know the shopkeepers too.. it's all balance.. all these "material needs" are not meant to hinder.. hehaehae.. not arguing here.. just commenting.. :)

Vincent said...

Hehe, Yay, someone that my pos babblings =p

Interesting pov there, you're right, internet does make it easier for people to catch up etc, but it's not really a medium for people to meet new people.

I don't know, I know my neighbours, that point was something that came out of the convo I had... which reminded me of HK.. knowing people in the same apartment is quite hard (i think)...

I guess the whole point I was trying to get across was that although we have a larger population now and dense cities, a lot more people are lonely compared to before - somewhat weird.

gcfoodie said...

nice haircut dude! I approve :D

Vincent said...

hahaha, thx, yay, stamp of approval from cubs, hehe

Kategories said...

I can definitely see both your views. I think technology has both increased our connection and communication with people who we may not normally contact, and it has also brought about a gap in our 'real-time' face-to-face meetings.

Blogging and emailing is all well and good to catch-up and get up to speed with friends' lives at our own time. Web-camming great to see someone at the other side of the globe where we would normally make do with a voice call.

I think it is the flexibility of these many ways of communication that has/is deteriorating our efforts to find the "right time and place" for real-time face-to-face meets....

Technology = a double-edge sword.

I kind of made a related blog on www.myspace.com/katlim

YYT said...

so you've abandoned blogger and have gone to myspace kat? :P
i think because we live in technology, you cant avoid it and just make the best of it.. or better yet - make a change for the better!!