Tuesday, August 01, 2006


"SCIENTISTS have vaccinated rats against a weight-gain hormone, allowing them to eat freely without getting fat, in a development that raises hopes for treatments for overweight and obese humans."

OK.. this is ridiculous, this subject has been boiling in my head for a while, and this new take on the fat issue is finally over the top!

First we get the "carb-free" diet... a quick fix solution to starve your body of glucose in which your body eventually chews on it self... yes, even the creator died of some internal organ failure? Look at the Chinese, we've had RICE pretty much all our lives, and in fact, the main proportion of every meal is rice… but are we fat?! Go back to China for a month, then come back, you would notice 2 things...

1) there are shit loads of Chinese there, and lots of whities here....

2) people here are much fatter than ones in china... yet.. apparently.. we've taken on the "carb-free" diet.. HA!

Next, we have low sugar, diet-coke solution.... now if you drink SO MUCH coke that you need to use diet-coke as a substitute.. isn't the problem poking you in the face?! Ok ok.. so they made coke-zero... but do you really think that chemical cocktail is any good for you?! Sure, too much sugar is bad for you, but trying to substitute sugar intake with some sort of sweetener.. is surely not the answer...

So lets see.... we eat more... we sit around more, we travel by car more, walk less...... and yay to the US...non-disabled people are now using motorized carts to replace walking...

Result? Nations are having obesity problems....

To top that off, now SCIENTISTS are going to invent some vaccine to combat weight-gain hormone?! They make it sound like it's a disease that is contracted or passed on from human to human... ok sure, I acknowledge that some people are born with obesity problem, but I can assure you, 99% of the fat people around the world were NOT born with that problem! I mean, dude... you intake more, you need to output more, you take away exercise (output) from the equation, obviously you'll gain KG's...

It angers me that they spend all this money on R&D in something like this instead of researching on some other deadly life threatening disease and advance our knowledge in medicine...


Kategories said...

Our lives are too busy. That is way we take every opportunity to find an easy fix to our problems.

Vincent said...

hi kat!

hehe, yea i suppose, but mer! unless its life threatening, i say the scientists should focus their time and effort on other things =p