Thursday, March 23, 2006


Sometimes I wonder why some people get classified as incompetent drivers.

I mean, they possess all of the foundation skills of turning, forward and reverse. In a way, thats all there is, as other skills such as U turns etc are simply combinations of these 3 actions.

So it’s a real surprise when someone makes a whooping statement like ‘I can’t drive in the city’.

What? So suddenly you lose all THREE foundation skills of driving?!

Sure, there are more one way streets and a bit more cars in the city, but with a bit of patience, you can get from A to B just like anywhere else. So what makes it so difficult? It’s the ‘mindset’ of the driver, with thoughts like ‘it’s so hard’, ‘too many cars’ and ‘road are too complex in the city’ that suddenly your mental image of the city roads becomes something we see in sci-fi flicks where traffic intersect everywhere with multiple vertical as well as horizontal lanes.

Then there are the perfectionists that slit their wrist when ever they make a wrong turn. In reality, there are no wrong turns or wrong ways, only faster or slower route as all the roads are interconnected in one way or the other. Worse come to worse, do a U turn, there was a reason why cars have the ability to do that.

The exploration of this idea has lead me to conclude that some incompetent drivers aren’t incompetent at all, it’s their mindset and patience that lead them down the path of the title.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Something feels familiar..

With windows opened, a cool night breeze dancing around the room and uni books opened…… something feels familiar.

Craming for math exams and elec assignments back in year 3!

Ah, what a year that was, staying up late, working out how the heck to tackle assignments, with people on icq messaging away seeing if anyone has made any progress (yep.. there were a time where we all used icq =p). Looking back now… it was actually quite fun.

The crazy idea to all meet up in the middle of the night in order to glue together bits n pieces of the assignment puzzle… Then to go home before dawn to return the family car and head back to uni in a zombie state, only to struggle with the stapler in front of the front office panic'ing not to miss the cutoff time.

Ahh...I need some sleep.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Time of the month again.

So it seems after my last masquarade with my brand spanking new woop-dee-doo computer, I haven't written anything remotly close to what's happening in my life.

Lets see.. in summary..
1 - yep i'm still alive.. if not, its actually an automated script I wrote that updated this blog (including this entry).
2 - went travelling, yep HK. Wow, how did you guess?!
3 - Ams back now, and am.. *sigh* .. back to work
4 - Updated the count of my age.. thanks guys for the cake!! :D
5 - (Added number 5 just to make it seem that a lot has been happening in my life =p)

Well, that's the short version, and as many of yous probabily has gotten a long embellished version of what happened during my trip to hk, I'll let that slip for now. (No I didn't get a transgender operation in hk.. =p)

Kept it nice and short this time =]

Oh and last but not least, HAPPY MARDI GRAS!!!!!!!!!!! >:)