Friday, November 11, 2005

The australian way..

Yep, its here folks, summer is officially here with temperature surging well over 30's with wind that can exfoliate better than any products out there.

Work is as usual, each morning I'm compacted in a tin-can they call the public transport system with aircon at full blast effectively reducing spacing required per person resulting in more room to squeeze a few more unfortunate soul to the pack.

Its not that bad really... nup, its the great Australian wave that gets to my nerves.

You may be thinking.. what great Australian wave? The Su-nar-me?! Nono... its the wave that's been tattooed into our system which we bring out automatically as summer hits this sun dried island.

Surprisingly the wave isn't directed at anyone, infact, it's sole purpose it only to temporarily displace flies from attaching itself to your face. I think the flies are probably trying to get a rush of adrenalin (ie. natural high) as they narrowly escape the deadly wave of death… those bastards!


YYT said...

be true blue aussie and wear those corked hats! think you'd just look fab in those... =p

Vincent said...

hahahaha, corked hats are cool ok!

but if i'm gonna get a hat, i'll prolly get those asian ones with like a fly screen thing all the way around the head.. haha =p

Its culture man! =]