Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Boring Title #1

Yes I've injured my wrist, and yes it hurts. Just to clarify, i got it from SNOWBOARDING.

We're finally moving office tomorrow! Going to be a fun packing trip tomorrow, looking forward to relax by my box sitting at the back a truck crawling to nrth syd.



juice said...

Here you have a post "Boring Title #1" and some 'scott' shamelessly tries to drop hair straighteners in.

Vincent said...

hahaha, yea it so damn weird.. somehow /i'm getting spammed here with bloody adverts..... -.- sigh.. what is the world comming to!

YYT said...

o an entry.. how did that sneak in?!.. =p hehae.. yeh at least "scott" is a normal name.. unlike "silver fox" or something..

Vincent said...

silver fox sounds like some alias in places like tool shed.. kekeke.. *ah hum* ofcourse i wouldn't know that... =]