Monday, January 22, 2007

2007.. already?!

Wow, I still can't believe its almost the end of Jan 2007 already!!!!!

December of 2006 was surprisingly eventful for me. Since I missed the Asia holiday band wagan, I expected to spend my December getting in touch with the Zen and be one with nature's harmony (ie. isolation and boredom). Instead, it turned out to be quite good! Caught up with several friends whom I haven't contacted for a while.

This year's xmas n new years is something that I haven't experienced before. Was glad it turned out to be good. =]

Oh and Jan turned around, and what a surprise! Bumped into Kat! (Yea good one! don't tell anyone that you're back!.. or maybe just me eih =p) A big welcome back to everyone who went overseas!

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