Sunday, September 17, 2006

Quick zap back to a year ago..

After twiddling with my thumbs for a while, something suddenly hit me......2005 had a lot of memorable firsts for me!!!! So before I forget.. here's some of them...

First time getting mates together to form a team and played in a bball comp for a few seasons... first time playing in a soccer team outside of school... first time skiing in Australia.. my first badminton trophy!..... and first badminton comp in Australia (resulted in many which followed =] ).... my first uni graduation!... First time cruise party!......... first french toast! (yes yes, I know. .a bit shocking..)... first boot camp (doh.. I've gained weight since ... >.< )........ first time eating giant pineapple bun...... first full time job..... hmm.. I'm sure there's a lot more.. but can't quite think of anymore for now....

Oh and of course, should mention the memorable 2004 netball comp... also my first.


PS. Feel free to remind me of any which I have missed. =p


Kategories said...

First time to straighten your hair (I think) :P

Vincent said...

Haha, shh, we're talking about last year! Not this year.. =p

la de da =]