Monday, November 14, 2005

Rising geek-o-meter

I have finally got off my ass and assembled my new love.

She's a half cast with mainly mainland blood (yep half cast do look better, ^5 Fooey). The somewhat tanned outer appearance reflect the care I have given in taking care of her, if I recall correctly, she was here throughout my thesis year, and if it weren't for her, my thesis would've definitely fell apart. She still look like the first day I met her.

I met her through an internet website while I was casually surfing the waveless web, she flashed me a few signals and all lights were green.. and as others put it..the rest.. is history. (Not sure if it was a live cam or a gif animation.. can't trust what you see these days, but I scored anyway =])

Recently I took her for a full cleansing therapy and after lining up for almost one hour for that therapy in a highly unventilated room, expectations were definitely high. The result looks promising as she no longer complains about the weather (mostly the heat), and seems to do things more efficiently.

I also took her to a massage center, to get the positive energy flowing through her, and the head massage (which cost me extra!!) seems to have taken away the headaches she used to get when I ask her to do one thing too many at once.

Since its almost our 2nd year anniversary, I decided to get her a pen (yep, very original), and in return, she went to some class and learnt to write in some language called 'dee vee dee' ... maybe its African or something, I fell asleep when she tried to explain the origins of it.

With a huge dent in my wallet, she now hums happily for the time being, no longer bitching, moaning and striking when I ask her for favors.

Women.. Can't live with them, can't live without them. =]

Friday, November 11, 2005

The australian way..

Yep, its here folks, summer is officially here with temperature surging well over 30's with wind that can exfoliate better than any products out there.

Work is as usual, each morning I'm compacted in a tin-can they call the public transport system with aircon at full blast effectively reducing spacing required per person resulting in more room to squeeze a few more unfortunate soul to the pack.

Its not that bad really... nup, its the great Australian wave that gets to my nerves.

You may be thinking.. what great Australian wave? The Su-nar-me?! Nono... its the wave that's been tattooed into our system which we bring out automatically as summer hits this sun dried island.

Surprisingly the wave isn't directed at anyone, infact, it's sole purpose it only to temporarily displace flies from attaching itself to your face. I think the flies are probably trying to get a rush of adrenalin (ie. natural high) as they narrowly escape the deadly wave of death… those bastards!