Tuesday, February 01, 2005

time killer

So, it seems I have left this so called.. blog.. in the dark for a while, so i feel its time to inject some more of my madness to balance out the world.

Lets see... reading my last post, I have gone into my imagination that i'm in Hong Kong, oh right, and that speaking chinese to stores person.. right.. =p what great timing, chinese new year is just around the corner, and once again, I am back into my wonderful hk la la land.

Everywhere I turn, i see dragon dance going off everywhere, distracting my attention while driving causing me to do a few elite swirving adding more to my near miss tally.

Have i mentioned my adventure to my back yard? After a few months of neglict, the backyard has finally grew "lush", and became a sanctuary for wild life. So, one day, before my parents' arrival (actually.. a few hours before they came.. none the less, i left enough time!), I walked leasurly to the garage, took the rusty cob-web willed sissors and strolled to the jungle of grass.

First thing that poped into my mind was.. where should i start.. oh correction.. where "could" i start.. haha, a chainsaw is probabily better job as weed and grass grew as tall as my knees and some even taller than me (look! no fertilization! guess I can say we have good healthy soil =p).

Anyway, so I just jumped in the middle of the bush and chopped away. It must be noted that it was raining a few hours prior I went ot the back yard, and I though.. in salons, most of them wash your hair first, then cut it while its wet, so using the same principle, I did the same and picked the moment after it rained to chop the grass.. Big..Mistake.. For one thing, it doesn't chop easier like hair when its wet, and second, when u chop the grass, most of the water on the leaves actualyl fling towards your face.. so I got quite a few facial wash from just chopping the grass, ah well, saves me time to wash my face. Oh then there's the bugs and the juicy worms, which I could not see at all, although I know somewhere below that thick jungle, its there somewhere looking and laughing at my squinted eyes trying to dodge the water droplets that flings to my head as I chopped the grass.

Yes I felt like neo as I recall the scene at the roof top with the agent firing bullets at neo and him dodging the bullets, except somehow.. every time when the droplets fly towards me, another matrix scene pops into my mind.. same scene, just a few minutes later where trinity points her gun next to the agent’s head “dodge this” :
I managed to chop about ¼ of the yard before my arms gave way, and tv called so my attention was directed to something else, which was totally out of my control ofcourse =p
Hence a rescheduling of my deforestation was needed, and I decided that I can do that next morning, just um.. hr before parents gets back =p….. then next day.. my sis storms in “hey, aren’t ya gonna pick up parents?!” and I realize somehow I have missed all 3 of my alarms.. yes, that’s 3, u didn’t read it wrong =p and I woke up minutes after their arrival, hahahahaha… Then plan B had to be executed…..

Plan B was quite simple really, just basically try and chop 80% of the grass’ length, so it looks like I has been chopped, and has regrown for about.. 2 weeks.. ok maybe I’m pushing it.. but I though 2 weeks is believable =p But in the end, I only manage to do a small circle of the back yard, and the weed still stands tall proudly pointing at the sun for all its glory… ;[

Anyway, wow, I’ve written shitloads this time, I’ll continue some other time, if more events comes up, or if I recall more interesting stuff =p

Ps. some bits are exagerrated, but most are for entertainment purposes, any of the stated facts of seemingly facts can not be used against my in the justice system without my permission. (yes a few of yous are lawers, so i better be careful what i say =p, i hope the ps thingo is legit enough to warrent my safety haha).


juice said...

Very imaginative.
I try to avoid gardening at all costs -full stop-.
I like watering plants though.

Also, my shed has a chainsaw it can loan you.

YYT said...

hey vincent!!!

i didnt forget your coming of age.. i just forgot to wish you a happy one!!..

hope you didnt get too smashed.. although if i was there along with some others.. surely we'd take good care of you..

happy belated birthday mate!

do you even read these comments?..
heahe.. maybe as often as you post i suppose.. =p