Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Brave.. new... world

Freedom is a funny thing, with the recent touch down of Hicks from his 5-year ordeal and along with weekly headlines of new arrests made in America and whatnot, this made me wonder... What has the.. so called.. democratic society.. turned into?

I recall westerners fear of the 'communists' and nazi's back around the cold war period, fear of losing their freedom and being "controlled" by high power governments. Isn't it funny that in today’s society, you can be taken away for 2 weeks, no questions asked for being a suspect of terrorism activity? No no, this isn't in America, this is in Australia........ America as it seems, can lock you away for 5 years or more .. without being charged..... I was taught from a very early age of the westerner's 'democratic' justice ideology of "innocent until proven guilty'... guess that was thrown out the window years ago.

Today in the headlines, one entry read.. "US doctor convicted of supporting AL Qaeda".. if found guilty, faces max 30 years in prison. How funny, it was reported that they were set up by an undercover agent, and based on them "swearing allegiance to Al Qaeda".. they were convicted... As far as I can see, the doctor simply said I will help those who gets wounded. Hell.. the case didn't even involve any attack plot... This is pure BS.. the 'Attempting to provide material support or resources' clause of the legislation is such a gray line that basically enables the law to witch hunt anyone that's remotely plausible to be involved with Al Qaeda.

Now.. I ain no expert in the medical field... but from my limited knowledge, doctors should make no discrimination in who they can or should treat. However, it seems this is not the case anymore, apparently there are groups of people we should openly discriminate against.

I've held back my thoughts about Hicks for a while, but this is it, enough is enough.. Sure, the guy was stupid enough to be in training camps with the group, but what has he done up to the point that he was arrested? NOTHING.... that’s right ladies and gentlemen, NADDA, ZILL, NOTHING. All his charges were based on 'if he continued.... he could've...' and 'If he wasn't caught, he would've.."... I don't know about you, but that seems like a lot of hypotheticals with the "If's", "could've" and "would've". If the justice system takes a preventive approach, hell, in the future... people who play CS who prefers Terrorists class would probably all be arrested, or players who choose protoss or Zerg instead of Human in Starcraft could also be convicted in conspiracy against ‘our way of life’….

My hypothetical sounds ludicrous to you? I better hope so... Least that shows you have a lot more sense than those in power….

Well-done America... We feel really safer now.