Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thought of the day...

"Just being alive is such a lovely and wonderful thing"... Such a simple phrase, yet overlooked by most.

I sometimes wonder how one can live life to its fullest and yet be pessimistic and cynical.. maybe the simple answer is, they can't. 'Why is that' you may ask, its simple, once their mind gets bogged down by all the negativity they see, they simply cannot gather the positive in people and things.. eventually, cynicism kicks in and the rest is history. If the standard of happiness is set to such high standards, its very difficult to live life to its fullest and be happy every day.

I'll finish this short entry with one question.. Do you love life? Not a simple 'I like to be alive', but grateful to be alive. Why? Because only then, you can really appreciate everything and everyone that is around you.