Monday, October 23, 2006

muuuun cake festival!

The mid-autumn festival has come and gone.. to the untrained minds, its simply a festival that doesn't hold much meaning.

Whilst the unknowingly go by their daily chores, the chinese community was busy stocking up moon cakes, exchanging and driving up prices similar to the .com stares.

This year.. somehow.. I was landed the task of acquiring moon cakes for work mates... As most of them are white... I figured....
1) most of them have no idea what day the festival is
2) prices of the moon cakes drops after the moon festival day ho ho ho..
So it was logical to buy it after the festival day, HEHE..... my wallet will be happy and work mates will be stone hit 2 birds indeed! [moon cakes:0, me:1]

On Friday arvo... I went by the local chinese supermarket... checked out the moon cakes... making a list of those that I would be getting the day after (and secretly laughing at those who payed the inflated prices.. [insert evil laugh].... well actually, i got a box myself a week prior.. ;p BUT ANYWAY!).....

Interestingly, during my short stay at the supermarket, I've witness heavy price slashing of moon cakes... almost like a share market crash! But I resisted.. as the next day will be rock bottom prices... kekeke... well, theoretically anyway.

So Saturday rolls by, and I confidently walk in to get some tight-arse priced moon cakes... only to find the tables where mountains of moon cake once stood... is now an empty space..! WTF! My plan has failed?!?! Panicky.. I went around other supermarkets hoping they will have a few left..... but no, they're gone! All gone! WHAT?! Now I understand why there was heavy slashes of prices on the day of the festival... They get rid of the stock on the day! (moon cakes:1, me:1)

Out of sheer desperation, I remembered something! There is one last chinese supermarket I haven't checked yet.... its located at the outskirts from the main shopping area... my last hope!

After my battle with traffic, I finally arrived......made my way in (elbowed anyone who got in my way, outtah mah way!!! It was an emergency situation)... nervously looked aorund..saw A DESK near the front counter! that's good! That means something is on display!.. Upon further inspection, tin boxes! .. (looking good!)........ took a few more steps toward the desk..... MOON CAKE!!!!!!!!!! SCORE! [moon cakes:1, me:2]

Then it occurred to me that people avoided that desk whilst walking into the shop..... why?! Oh wait.. Tight ass price... for tight ass people.. DOH!... Problem number 2.... How to get a box without appearing to be tight ass.... but seriously, this is for my white work mates! They ain for me!... >.< ... [moon cakes:2, me:2]

The break through finally came when an old lady walked toward the dusty display .... I tailgated her to the desk and used my height advantage to check out the boxes whilst looking like an innocent bystander....

First box....WHAT, 4 egg yolk still cost 40 odd dollars .. (big NO sign popped into my head)?!?!?! Quick look left n right.. some other pricy ones (bah!)..... ah, some unknown brand for 15$ .. SCORE!...But Wait! Dilemma! To get a nice tasty one.. or just a cheap cheap one. hmmm!!!... After some careful consideration (basically.. they're white.. they won't be able to tell the difference, HEHEHE)..... I bought a box and quickly fled the scene... [moon cakes:2, me:3]