Sunday, September 17, 2006

Quick zap back to a year ago..

After twiddling with my thumbs for a while, something suddenly hit me......2005 had a lot of memorable firsts for me!!!! So before I forget.. here's some of them...

First time getting mates together to form a team and played in a bball comp for a few seasons... first time playing in a soccer team outside of school... first time skiing in Australia.. my first badminton trophy!..... and first badminton comp in Australia (resulted in many which followed =] ).... my first uni graduation!... First time cruise party!......... first french toast! (yes yes, I know. .a bit shocking..)... first boot camp (doh.. I've gained weight since ... >.< )........ first time eating giant pineapple bun...... first full time job..... hmm.. I'm sure there's a lot more.. but can't quite think of anymore for now....

Oh and of course, should mention the memorable 2004 netball comp... also my first.


PS. Feel free to remind me of any which I have missed. =p

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Falls creek

It was only after my 3rd time dozing off on a bouncing seat when it finally hit me... I'm on holiday... but something doesn't feel right, I can't be on holiday.... surely this can't be real?!

I'm quite surprised to recognise that I've fallen victim to the 9-5 weekdaytitas....

The trip to falls creek was very good, partially because it’s the first time I've been there, and partially due to the fact that I need a break. Apart from dozing in n out of consciousness during the road trip, there weren't much else to comment on... except, for the first time, I saw the milkyway.. NOT on a textbook or some internet webpage... but the actual thing, right in front of me (well. .several million light years away)..

In the mist of near pitch darkness, there was nothing except for the slight shimmerings of the moon light. The night sky was crystal clear, then there it was, a bandit of white globes loitering together in the spaciousness of the sky....

Next day, we hit the slopes... while I was busy red-line'ing my skis (damnit, they gave me long skis ;( ), others pointed out the view of the lake, at which point I looked up and whoa!!! What an amazing view! (sadly I didn't bring my camera on the first day)... Oh oh, and I went on the magic carpet for the first time in my life, hehehe... and no, I didn't do it alone =p

Day after was interesting.... the mountain was all fogged up, you can't see past a few meters ahead of you.. which made it kinda scary and exciting at the same time... since you can't see how steep it is, you kinda.. just have to handle the sudden pickup of speed as is.. heeh....... Then I did the box! yep, that's right, I jumped the box! :) And yes, I made it through both times, ho ho ho :D

I'll see if I can post up photos somewhere… Anyhow... back to the 9-5......

PS. Safeway sounds weird! =p and dammit... i somehow managed to miss the welcome to nsw/victoria sign twice with my camera >.<