Monday, June 26, 2006

Light at the end of the tunnel??

Isn't what the norm? Light at the end of the tunnel?!

I was in a category 10 storm for the past 2 months or so, with project releases for work and uni wrapping up, I was forced to stay indoors, cut out from the outside world for practically 2 months...

Exam finally finished last week, so expectation for the calm was high.. except.. little did I know.. shit was hitting the fan whilst I was dealing with one end of the storm....

I should've taken the whole week off rather than going back to work on a Friday.. knowing there's a major release on Monday for work.....

So what happened? Late night on friday.. work on sunday... and late night on monday... but we did end up clearing the deadline by a mere 3 hours.. Woohoo... =.=.... reminds me of CSE online submission of assignments actually.. except I never submit 3 hours before the dead line.. more like.. within seconds of the dead line...

To make things worse, on the same weekend, I "smartly" decided to play a bit of bball.. (a bit... well... that "a bit" turned out to be a 3-4 hour full course session).... the result? Blister on feet.. with skin rubbed off, and every muscle in my body felt shattered.

To top THAT off? Had to go for a shower... forgot about the naked blister... Result? ... My scream echoing around the block....... ah.. priceless...

Then Sunday.. Work day.. DOH, slept in, ran out the door with pants falling off, didn't realise till I was near the bus stop, like holy shit... Jumped on the bus hoping no one saw anything...

Monday night.. .felt full after manager feeding us.. reward for staying late and getting the release on time..... on the way home.. walked into a road work barrier... in full view of a group of diners who just happened to walk out of the restaurant facing the barrier.... yes I hobbled the hell outta there….. (and yes, my feet still hurt from the naked blister..)

Surely I should be at the end of the tunnel now?!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

What if..

With some spare time, a thought came to my head...

If someone took a photo of me, and the photo reflect everything that is within me and nothing on the superficial layer..

What would I look like in that photo...

Would I be an ugly beast? A slimy worm? An animal? Or simply.. nothingless..

I wonder...