Wednesday, April 27, 2005

What goes to plan?

So its a few days after graduation, things are starting to settle like dust thats been kicked up from a sand dune, not every dropplet of sand falls back to its origional position, some things are changed perminantly, yet the overall fact that its still a sand dune, implies that perhaps not much has changed. Maybe a new dune has formed, or a higher dune is built, what ever it is, the person that kicked it certinaly didn't noticed the disruption and continue to sail forward. Just like time.

So on the day, things were a rush, something that was expected. Sometimes, no matter how well you have prepared or plan the day, some things will just come unexpected and all hell breaks loose.

I shall start with the night before...... So, it was our second last bball match for the season, I found parking relatively easily soon after arriving (yes tony stole a spot right when i got there, damn!), and did the usual warmups. The game was tight, but during mid first half, I saw a gap down baseline and tried to draw a foul, the jump screwed up and the asian had his elbo in the line of sight from where I was jumping from. *bang*. I fall he fall, everyone fall. Instantly I felt some pain and swolled to what I though was somethign thicker than water. Naturally I touched my teeth to see if anything has been broken, but on the way to my teeth, my skin felt tight and won't budge to lift up (warning sign #1), and then to find my fingers soaked in blood *warning sign #2), I knew this couldn't be good.

Subbed off, and went to the toilet, first look I though wtf, I look like a cat! except only one side of my mouth does, the second side is flat.... Instantly went and got ice, anyway, saw this massive cut inside, thx to my trusty k9 teeth and juggled with the idea of going to see a doc or stay for the rest of the game. I chose the latter option. Long story short, I then had a swell on the night before my graduation, great.

Being asian, my mum went ape when she saw me as I walk to get some water, and went to docs to get it checked out. Ended up being a 3-4 hour wait at the hospital.

So the next day, plans had to change, could only get to uni at 10.30, the arranged time for the group of friends to raid parts of the uni for photos. Except only 2 people were there. Others, no where to be seen. Cool.

Oh yea, my swell was gone when I woke up, thanks to my 5 hours of "kissing the ice" during the wait at the hospital.

So snap snap snap snap, run around like mad to get things done before/after ceremony, and before I knew it, I had arleady walked on stage, got my scroll, forgot to bow to the counciller, lagged on stage for my parents to snap my final moments on stage, and back to the gay guy to return my gown. (There was a photo of him looking at my ass, and no, you are not getting a copy of that photo).

My well planned day turned into a photo frenzy and marathon run. Like to thank my parents for enduring all that though, they didn't rant much trying to follow me while snapping like the papparitzi's (might have spelt it wrong). More about gratuation later.

Peace out.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Next chapter in life.

At a glance over the title, some thoughts that might spring into your mind would be
1) Is he moving away?
2) Yay, he's outta mah life
3) WTF he's on about

Or, i'm sure most, with their twisted minds, will definitely have their mind set on the last option:
4) wow, he's finally going pro in tool shed.

But that's not whats in my mind right now, no I ain thinking about "certain" jewellery. It’s all the recent events that is happening around me, and settling into my mind slowly like sand slipping from the palm of your hand back to the beach.

With graduation just around the corner, the usual sinking feeling is settling in. Questions that I never though of springs to mind all of a sudden, is my gown going to be the right size, will my frisby'ing the hat cause any damage and leave me with a hefty bill, am I going to get parking on the day, will there be traffic, how about photos, am I going to miss any photos... and of course, the more mind tingling questions like.. Will I face the wrong way while doing the stage photo? and most importantly, am I going to trip in front of a few hundred people and peers?

But of course, those questions fade away when my sporting commitment drains me physically and mentally. (Not that I become retarded during work =p).

But doesn't the future looks so uncertain, where am I headed, what is going to become of me, what are my real interests (apart from certain sheds)....

So much questioning, so much uncertainty, yet so exciting and surprising. I figured, life is pretty contradictory, some things just happens when you least expect it.

Oh so much D&M stuff, its turning me into a woman!

So anyway, I feel its about time I wrote something about boot camp, the happy joy joy camp which everyone definitely should do (=p). To those who just made that face “=p” or “?_?”, yes, I was referring to you when I said “everyone” =p.

Well, I had someone asking me.. “wow, they can camp a the Botanic gardens? I though they were illegal, the view must be great”. Well.. I guess the view IS great, and no, what we’re doing isn’t illegal, hehe. All that’s involved is just a “little’ bit of running, a bit of upper and lower body work out, and that’s about it. :)

A lot of things can be experienced during boot camp. For instance, I’ve never knew the literal feeling of “cold sweat running down your forhead” when pressed to the limits, or what a nature shower really feels like. I also didn’t know beating the birds to wake up is so fun, I mean, if you have pet chickens, you can catch them easily while they’re asleep!

One thing about boot camp is that it promotes team bonding. How they do it is, if people don’t show up, the whole group gets to do more pushups as warm up, I guess this is apart of their team bonding strategy that they’ve refined over the years. Sometimes you even say “thank you [insert person’s name here who made you did the pushup]" for every pushup you got “awarded”.

Now I won’t mention any names, but out of the few of us who actually enlisted our tough souls to boot camp, I’m the only lone soldier who turned up to every session so far. And yes, I got “rewarded” for the disappeared mates. Yep, team bonding....

Anyway, woo, I better cut it off here before it gets too long.I’ll write some more when I have the time or when I actually recall something interesting.