Thursday, December 23, 2004

Time for post number 2

HI, its been a while since I last updated this site, and man, others have written so much, so I though I'll drop by, before getting smashed and leaving this site for god knows how long till a 3rd post.

Since I believe in quality rather than quantity (cough), my strategy of writing a few but keeping it juicy looks like its working... although the juicy posts is still missing from the site, but fear not, for more is sure to come.....

But anyway, I though I can squeeze in a though before xmas, yes this is xmas eve well.. day before xmas for those who don't know what eve is.. yes I am looking at all those that has a sign on their forhead with 3 letters.. which rhyms with bob.. and no I ain thinking about cop.. or lob...

So, my rant goes on, and I no longer remember what I was going to say, but I'll keep this short and simple.. um... hmm.. yea, yous just dig what i said right... oh right, as i was saying, its nearly xmas... and i guess shopping is definitly on the top priority list? Oh right.. shopping.... shops open till midnight... i guess this is the closest resemblance to asia I'll get whilst staying here, but I'll just lie to myself and tell myself I'm in hk right now, all those gweilo can be those gangwananbe asians who died their hair blond, and pale skin is due to hourly use of whightening mask, and black people are simple those asians who sprayed on a shit load of fake tan... yes I am in HK... weeeee..... and I will attempt to speak asian to the shop assistants, wait for an update soon about my "hk" shopping trip, as shops goes back to normal business hours, it means the HK'ness will fade away, and I'll be back in a white white land again :(

ok, i'm late for lunch, i'll leave this as it is, if what i just typed made absolutly 0 sense, then at least it killed at least a few seconds of your life, and I'm proud that I made a dent in your life, HA! life changing or not, I still made a dent! Anyway, off to lunch I go, before I let too much madness out, converting all of yous back to your innocent forms, and we can't have that happening can we, what will happen to the inventors of a@#l diamond?! They might stop investing their time to create such useful technology, and we have to reside back to fruits again, god.. those are painful days... oh not that I would know ofcoruse!

Peace out.

Saturday, December 04, 2004


My first time trying to post something, aha

Never really used one before, but hey, i'm open to new technologies =p